TBD on Ning

1. Guess how many Republican said NO! to aid for Hurricane Sandy victims but want us to give them aid to their state Colorado for flooding victims, Texas after the refinery explosion, etc?

2. Guess how many Republicans get Farm Aid subsidies but vote against the same bill providing food stamps for starving people in their own state?

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same kind of 'thinking that defined the civil rights movement as a communist menace..remember?

these folks haven't changed...they've just adjusted their spiel

Shutdown Means Streamlining

By Amelia Hamilton on September 30, 2013

DC ClosedThere are a lot of myths about the looming government shutdown. The biggest one is that it is, in fact, a government shutdown. The country will not descend into anarchy, there will not be chaos in the streets (well, no more than usual) and, really, we don’t need to panic if it happens. Here’s the deal. 

As much as the left likes to use the Military and our veterans losing pay as a scare tactic, they will not be harmed.  Our food will still be inspected and your mail will still arrive. Like it or not, entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid will still be running up our debt and you will still have that unpleasant TSA experience at the airport. "Essential" functions of the federal government will still continue.  We should look at whether or not being manhandled at the airport is essential, but I digress. 

The facts are that “non-essential” functions will temporarily cease.  This includes such items as national monuments and museums. Why do we have "non-essential" functions of government when we're careening toward a $17 trillion national debt? It is certainly a question that needs to be asked.

Government employees affected will be furloughed. The President and Congress will still receive their paychecks, but around 800,000 employees aren’t so sure what happens to their pay.  The fact is these employees will likely be paid retroactively, however, so we won’t save any money by sending them home in the first place.

Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Darrell Issa has said that “I rather doubt that Congress would take punitive actions against the District of Columbia for keeping their personnel on.” This suggests that we are paying non essential employees for not doing the work that we don’t really need them to do. Way to go, government!

As the deadline looms, we'll have to wait to find out whether or not Americans have become so addicted to big government that a few days of a partial shutdown is seen as catastophic.  Don’t believe the fear-mongering hype. Let’s take those few days instead to debate the proper role, scope and size of the federal government instead. 

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in case you missed it...there's a reason why they use comic book graphics and cartoons to get their delusional messages across....THAT is the base they want to round up and use...the not so bright and easily swayed portion of the electorate that fails to practice discriminatory rational thought, the portion that reacts to buzzwords and slogans without examining the actual ideas or questioning the ideology that drives the conceptual basis

Problem Again, The point of putting it out there is to note what else is out there.

And just saying that so and so is not a reliable source of information, gets said from both sides about the other many thousands of times each and every day.

My request is to fill in the information in order to correct it or help to verify it, because that is how people can reach a more informed conclusion or judgement.

Let's just say that at least it doesn't hurt, and it may help. And I actually am of the opinion that it could help a lot.

Oh please.  Conservatives don't give a shit about 100s of thousands that lost jobs due to the sequester nor the additional 100s of thousands that will lose their jobs when the government shuts down.  How many people will need food stamps that don't exist anymore because of the cheap bastards in Congress that don't give a shit about anybody except themselves when they destroy our economy next month.

Obamacare's losing jobs?  Fuck off.

"Fuck off"

That is your comment?

Just call people names and issue expletives?

You make statements as if you know everyone and what is in their hearts.

I don't know anyone that has any semblance of your typecasting.

So I see what you put out here and it has no relationship to anything "real" to me.

If you think insulting people and lumping them all together accomplishes something that you believe in, then I guess you can make yourself happy with that.

Demonizing others is somehow the path of caring? The idea that those on the left are more caring is supposed to square with that? Not only more caring, but much smarter and much more educated. And I guess I am so completely ignorant that I would imagine one that knows more and is wiser would be very interested in helping those who don't see to learn and understand. But I guess I am wrong. Insulting is what smart people do I suppose.

And you ask me why I say crazy things..........

Look, Go have fun.

Not interested in a boring match of insults.

I do not agree with you!

But if telling people to fuck off is necessary for you to address others that have beliefs that don't agree with yours, than let me just not bother you. 

I would like to see where people can bridge these gaps, and am more than willing to see information from others that sheds light from many perspectives which I truly believe many well meaning people have.

But not only do I not have time, but why would I value attempting to share what is in my heart and give my honest opinions when it seems apparent that I just come across as agitating.

So enjoy whatever pleasure you are deriving here.

I have more interest in being positive and doing it where others are also looking to be positive as well whether they agree or not.

Adios amigo.

Have lots of fun! :0)

Yes, fuck off! It means you are full of shit my friend.  Obamacare is losing jobs?   Have a god life pretending Obamacare's losing jobs while you guys ran on jobs but haven't voted for one jobs bill and successfully put millions of people out of work time after time again in just the last year. 

Demonizing all others you disagree with is a Republican thing.  When you can tell the difference between lies and the truth, please come back.

And don't pretend you are insulted because you can't explain your side.  That is so "Conservative".  And phony.

As to your original two questions, LLL, I'll bite.  How many?

It looks like people are responding.

That is awesome!

Got to get to work, so I will have to check these out later.

But Thank you everyone for participating!!!

The last group I questioned, stayed silent.

You people have encouraged me by responding.

Check them out later, and I am impressed!

Thanks all!!!

Ok, let's see, Day 4....

Stock market moving somewhat sideways, and so is official Washington as the president has decided to stay in town for developments, which won't be happening on the floors of either the House or Senate and we wait for the talking heads and pundits of Sunday morning to tell us what has happened, what is happening and what the panel thinks will happen.

As to the jobs issue, first Friday of the month and no jobs report.  However, CNBC has play a guessimate game that the new jobs number was around 160,000 which is in line with what has been happening over the summer, growth, but nothing special.  As to the unemployment numbers, well, we just have to wait, but at this point a guessimate is that there is nothing in the September number to move the needle much.

What will happen is the October number, when it is released, will show something of what has happened due to the shutdown in that depending on claims the unemployment number could jump up, which would be a false reading in that a furlough is not unemployment as to having or not having a job in this case.  Even more telling is that once the furlough is over due to the shutdown, congress will probably make good the lost salaries and wages for governmental employers.  

As to the effect on private employment, a new headwind issue that has to be worked out going into the holiday season which was already not looking too great.  The 3rd quarter is probably not going to be good no matter what as the shutdown, Obamacare launch and the debt ceiling overall effect will be and it all will weigh against, and tail into the 4th quarter.  

The point is, 2014 is looking iffy as to what is going to happen no matter what happens next. 




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