TBD on Ning

What's the worst pet you ever had?

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Chihuahuas.  Can't be housebroken.

I love all animals, however my ex had a dog he could not train so had this wonderful idea to give the dog to my son... we tried everything with this animal, no go. After about a year I asked myself why I was putting myself thru this so I convinced my son to give the dog back to his dad, he's the one who needed to take responsibility for the poor thing.

I think my son was relieved to give the problem back. My son had a cat he was very attached to at that time and the dog would not stop terrorizing the cat.

an Easter chick that grew into a very large rooster; had to give to my grandad on the farm

For me it was an Amazon parrot that didn't like women. Yea, I'm the one that had to feed her and take care of her. I was the only one in the family she would bite. One time she bit off a piece of my finger nail. She would never bite a man but she sure didn't like women. She was a great talker but I had one bite too many.




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