TBD on Ning

What do you do when no one is looking?

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Ever think about making duck calls??

i hear there's good money in that.

I had six mallards in my pool today. A couple were making whoopee until I coitus interrupted them. Didn't have my guns out or it would have been roast duck for supper.

you sit under the patio chair with your duck call,yer not foolin anyone.and it seems to me,you may be a duck peeper.


Well, Kim, the Good Book says to "Make a joyful noise".....and I can do that!! 

and I can help.

Not farts silly...

I wasn't talkin bout farts silly.more like ,oh god oh god,those joyful noises.

Ooh-la-la, Tim! I was talking about singing.....but your idea sounds better.

I always have great ideas,mostly,sometimes,once in a while,rarely.

I subconsciously like to torture people too.




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