TBD on Ning

I thought we were upside down when Reid, Pelosi, and other liberals are calling for bombing Syria and Republicans are opposing the bombing. We have a president who threatened what would happen if Syria crossed a red line, then threatened to bomb them, then said he fdidn't need Congresses approval, then asked for its approval, then said no let's wait when he realized he wouldn't get their approval.

Now we have Obama continuing to lead from behind and Putin leading from the front. What's going on when Russia takes the role as the peace keeper while we are threatening bombing them, well a pin prick attack, well very very small, well no let's wait.

Now did you read what Putin wrote in the N Y Times?


Views: 180

Replies to This Discussion

I have been busy busy busy.

How is your golf game and your ping pong?
Also my computer is all messed up. I am on my IPhone.

And I am not used to using this as much.
And to have great respect for the "constitution" is to have much distrust of the king.

That would go without saying of course.....,


Why do you say things like that?  Sounds crazy...

It may be because I am in love. :)

We do crazy things when we are in love, right!

It does not sound crazy to me at all.

Why is it crazy to feel that one cherishes the constitution and the historical significance of fighting to maintain individual

liberties? And to not be subject to a powerful government?

The "wish" for such things seems not only perfectly legitimate, but also quite understandable.

At least as I see it:)

The Islamic Countries agree with you.  Every body has 2nd amendment rights an carries a gun.  Shea's kill Sunni, Sunni kill Shea, both kill Jew and Christian alike, Jew and Christian have ongoing campaigns against Muslims, Free Tinkers, and Science.  Freedom from government that are for all the people, like Jesus.

If that's what you want, leave.  Most of us like this country and it's Constitution, obviously you don't. There is some nice beachfront property in Somalis available, no government -- only religion -- good luck.

Who are you in love with?

Good morning to you too LLL.

And a good Yom Kippur to you as we'll!


Tzom Kal

I'm sorry I haven't been out to see you lately.

I must still owe you a coffee or something


Looking forward to it  


Me too!

"I am for the least amount of government possible that will also help to protect people from being infringed upon by others."

 I agree.  One dictatorial party is taking away our freedoms

gop voter suppression efforts

karl rove voter suppression

voter suppression 2000

democrat voter suppression 





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