TBD on Ning

The story of the boy who cried wolf rings true with what the president is trying to do. We and the congress are being told to trust what we are being told about who used chemical weapons.

Why is this administration like the boy who cried wolf? We have not been told the truth about fast and furious. We were told that the problems in the IRS was just two rogue agents, which proved to be false. We were told that the NSA doesn't keep our records, and we all know how that's playing out. We were told that Beghazi where 4 Americans were killed, was because of a you tube video, and we know that's not true. Now the latest is that the president didn't draw a red line it was congress and us. How dumb doe thay think we are?

So what it comes down to for me is this administration not being able to tell us the truth. To be honest with us. Also no one doubts that chemicals were used, but also no onen has definitive proof who used them. What about the 120,000 that already were killed? Why all of a sudden because 1200 were killed by gas?

I will support the president in whatever decision he comes to. I just wish we weren't doing this for political reasons.

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I hope you never support me the way you support your President.

Don't worry about it. You know you can disagree on principal but because he's the president support him. Could be a difficult concept for you to comprehend LLL

Like you do Cheney/Bush Mr. Chum?  Most of the GOP has already moved on, except for a few losers...

yeah yeah yeah ...tell us more....there is a certain group of people who, no matter how many times they are told the truth, dismiss it and still cling zealously to bullshit fables and fairy tales....and when told the truth, they ignore it and post the same drivel over and over....birth certificate anyone? delusions are a hard thing to shake..especially when they are fueled by a latent prejudice

and funny but for five years cod's been finding fault with the president in each and everything he does....that's a real athletic supporter

...for a real dick?

this particular richard always was a special case...kind of a demented troll

Are you really trying to convince us that we've been told the truth problem? What' the truth on Benghazi? What's the truth on the IRS? What's the truth on it's nt my red line? Tell us what the truth is Problem.

When you have no real facts default to bullshit like birth certificate anyone or my favorite prejudice. You forgot racist. That one ussually comes out.

For your benefit problem, I don't care where the president was born. I don't care that he's half white or half black. I don't even care that he's a community organizer in over his head, or I should say I wouldn't care if we weren't so much in trouble. You can disagree with the person because you honestly don't believe in their policy. It's nothing to do about anything else, but you'll never believe that so just keep defaulting to your accusations and name calling. Oh and don't forget bigot.  

you forget we know you and we know your posturing for the spotlight...

I" don't even care that he's a community organizer in over his head"

Well that certainly speaks volumes LOL...

How do we know when you are not lying when all you do here is lie about the President?




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