The president has painted himself into a corner. He made questionable threat to Syria and now he has to do something, but what. Does he act unilateraly against Syria? Does he bomb Syria without going to the UN, like he accused Bush of doing? Does he drop a few bombs, "a shot across the bow" and stir up a hornets nest? Does the Nobel Peace Prize winner drag us screaming into yet another war?
What is our objective? The president said that it's not for regime change. Than why do it? What the hell are we doing? Why are we there?
If you pick a fight in a bar you'd better hit the other guy hard, and often, and then get the hell out. Not give them a shot across the bow.
Are using chemical weapons a crime...YES. Do we know definatively who used them...NO All we know is that they were used. Who'd have the most to gain by using chemical weapons? Could be the rebels. They use chemicals, blame Hassad, and we go in and do a stupid symbolic attack.
What is the mission?
Can you imagine if Bush did this? Act without the approval of the UN, the Congress, and the American people? So again, now what????
so what course of action do you say the united states should follow? please give us specifics and examples
Do what all Republicans do, lie. Just do it better then Cheney/Bush did, be smarter then them and don't get caught bsn'g so easily like Cod.
Which republicans are you talking about? The ones who were told by many intelligence agencies around the world that Iraq had WMD's or this administaration that lied about Benghazi and has no definitive proof WHO used cheemical weapons, just that they were used. So which lies are you talking about flounder?
I don't have specifics, but then I'm not the commander in cheif or naive enough to think I have any solutions. My post was a number of questions that should be answered before we act. I have ambivilant feelings on whether we should bomb or not. Since we don't know who to support, who would we be helping by bombing? Could be Al Qaeda. On the other hand, how do we stand by and let a regime kill over 100,000 of its people?
This is a complicated problem with no easy solutions which should have been thought of before we challenged someone to not cross a line.
Now because of idle threats to Iran and Syria we are beginning to look like a paper tiger
You know problem, you don't always need specific solutions to disagree with specific problems.
I don't have specifics, but then I'm not the commander in cheif or naive enough to think I have any solutions.
then you may possibly not know enough to be able to intelligently critique his actions. that's not a surprise.....and the republicans seem to be split between anything is too much and a strike is too little depending on which conservative wing they are cleaving to at the moment
Obama has made a brave decision and has shown strong leadership, he truly represents the people. This is what all of us wanted, and he did it, for us.
The is from The Great Red State of Texas:
Obama's decision to consult Congress on Syria is right move
"In 2003, the Houston Chronicle opposed President George W. Bush's decision to go to war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq. We did so because we did not believe Bush had made a convincing case that Saddam's regime possessed weapons of mass destruction. In due time, our skepticism proved to be justified. There was no cache of WMDs under Saddam's control."
For complete Editorial Opinion see link: Obama Makes The Right Move
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As a Moderate Democrat, I agree with the President's decision to consult the Congress.
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