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If there was such a thing as a third gender, what would you be?

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the dipshit republican who ran for the presidential nomination in his sweater vest ...a firm believer in the government enforcing morality and also in outlawing abortions en toto as well as declaring birth control to be against the natural order and against god's law..

Gee, it would be nice to not inject politics into everything (sigh!)

Vermeil is a combination of gold and silver. (It is pronounced Vermale) I was thinking Male, Female, Vermale! I know, I was being way too "precious".


I find that quite interesting!

Oh, I don't need a third sex.....if I get to come back as something else.....I'll be a man, Thank-you-very-much. Life would have been much easier.

great..more competition.

A Kennedy

what am I gonna do with you?

Doesn't matter the gender, they all have cash oozing from their wazoos.

not to mention strong genes; I saw a picture of Caroline's son and he looks just like. .well, all the Kennedys

Don't be a Kennedy Johnnyboy, most of them get shot or killed early.




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