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Does drinking make you brave?

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Brave and stupid!


Nope, just loquacious, then sleepy.  A total waste of money.

I go with...brave and stupid....I ll drink to that

since I don't know what loquacious means,i'll say "cheers"

I'll drink to anything.

i'll drink anything,too.

Moonshine I've learned  makes me want to shout and that is something i don't do . I've been drunk maybe 3 or 4 times in my life . Always got sick and threw up . Just don't care much for Booze . May drink a cold beer once in a while and maybe sip a little wine . Since i am such a big big guy i didn't want to get a beer gut ...

moonshine makes me even stupider than normal.

I get horney.  Yup.  Ain't no man safe anywhere near me when I'm buzzed.  I will flirt with all the guys I ever found attractive but never had the nerve to flirt with before.  And I will be much less inhibited, and prone to telling the truth. 

I don't drink anymore..i don't drink any less,but I don't drink any more.

I had a bottle of wine one night . The more i drank the hornier i got . We would have had a good night in those days , maybe...




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