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Have you or has anyone you know ever been hypnotized?  What happened?

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i went to a hypnotist to quit smoking,i been smoke free for over 8 years.

I had a boyfriend whom it helped to stop smoking.

I tried hypnotism to cure insomnia/noise sensitivity.  Didn't work & the hypnotist did tell me some people just simply can't be hypnotized, just doesn't work for some reason.  Plus I found out recently that my noise sensitivity could be related to Asperger's; Temple Grandin, the author who is autistic and written several books, wrote in her last one that she can't sleep if she hears anyone talking even quietly; for me, any sound whatsoever except the ocean or rain falling keeps me awake.

I started with self hypnosis and than went to a hypnotist she recorded several tapes for me to use at home, I can go out in a few seconds.

That is some wonderful talent.

The only person I've ever known who was hypnotized was my mother at a dentist's one time who, for some reason, wasn't using drugs on her.  She claimed that she was NOT hypnotized but she never felt a thing, my dad said.  So.

I had a relative that used to go for weight loss reasons; most portly relative I have (I think).

you are getting sleepy....very sleepy...now close your eyes...and give me your money.....hehe


No, but my brothers used to try to make us cluck like a hen whenever they tried their hand at it. I dunno....I am a bit skeptical...




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