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What's the story behind that small trinket that sits out of sight in your home?

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i have a rabbit's foot,there's no story,it's just a lucky keychain,well..not lucky for the rabbit

My trinkets, for the most part aren't out of sight. I like them. I do have a very cool angel with a crystal globe that is very cool....it is solar powered and lights up. I have a bunch of snowmen that my grandkids love to play with.

behind the tv? did it get better reception when the

I have a gold dragon that represents the Year of the Dragon with diamond eyes that are Aries.

What that stands for you can look up on a Chinese Menu and the Horoscope page. 

Also have a ~65 million year-old piece of amber with a mosquito trapped inside.  It's mounted in silver and hangs from my car mirror.

well, that is preferable to certain unmentionable bones....lol.

the discussion page for this post says 10 responses, last reply by PJ.  but I'm here and there are only 6 on one page.  gonna see if this changes it.  It's bad enough that you can no longer search with the search engine.

Let's see, trinkets, it's a guitar pick an old boyfriend bought when he lived here.

I keep some trinkets in my jewelry box, they have memories attached to each of them, some are secret.

I have literally dozens of little keepsakes that I've collected over the years. One that is especially close to my heart is one that I made myself. No one in our family had heard from my little brother Alan for two or three years. (he was the black sheep of the family) Anyway, in 1981, he finally called me, said he had been working on shrimp boats in the gulf, and wanted to know if he could come and stay with me for Christmas. Of course I told him he could stay with us as long as he wanted. I sat down that day and carved out an old cigar box I had, added a piece of stained glass inside to make the "sky", lined the inside with fabric, and engraved the inside of the glass with Love To Alan, From Big Brother, and 1981. This was about 6 weeks before Christmas. About a week or so later, he called again and said he had broken his leg but was still coming home. That's the last anyone ever heard from him. Back then there was no caller ID, and I never thought to ask for his phone number, so I had no way to call him back. I don't really know what happened, but I kinda came to believe that he had probably gotten caught up in some kind of drug deal, got a broken leg as a warning, and then ended up being tossed overboard some where in the gulf. Guess I'll never know for sure. 

I have a statue of a female pig bike rider, sitting on a Harley...she also has big boobs

I won it in a Poker game...and it is not aloud in the house.

the blokes luv it...and the sheilas hate it

That is a sad story Tee, I hope that isn't what happened and he will walk back into your life again.

Thank you Lifesighs, I still hope, but I'm just a couple months away from 32 years since I've heard from him. The hope is still there, but I think the odds are very slim to none.  :-(

Damn!!! I miss him.




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