TBD on Ning

Bodily or in a vehicle?

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my bathroom radiator over 2 months ago,i still have a dent in my forehead.

Did you replace the radiator yet??

A pulling guard. November 1968.

my gawd,that sounds painful

you mean today? or do I have to list them alphabetically by month?  LOL   I am a chef. I am on a dead run all day long. Believe me I bang into things in my travels around the kitchen. Or just gettin and out of the car and grabbing and going. shucks I have many a bruise and really just ignore most of the junk that happens en route  lol.

Cement sidewalk... last year I lost my balance a crashed face first -- what a shiner, and last week -- slipped and fell  right knee first.  OUCH!

if I had a nickel.

I'm always bumping into things, you'd think I was drinking. (I'm not) I think the last thing was a cupboard door I left it open because I was cleaning the cupboard.

I did the ol' proverbial:  stepped on the wrong end of a rake & the handle got me right between the eyes.

slid on some newspapers and hit the TV

in a car, backed up into a small utility pole.  Everyone had already been hitting it and they eventually took it down.

Bumping into things....is that..drunk or sober???




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