TBD on Ning

Rapa asked me to help think of a Wednesday Game so this is what I thought would be interesting.

Alphabetically post an author you have read with one of the books you have enjoyed by that author.

If you memory needs jogging (like mine did) here is a link to fantastic fiction where you can browse authors alphabetically and it's fun to see which are the most popular authors and how many books each one has written.


It's fun to browse the lists.

I'll start with A...

Albom, Mitch... author of the popular Tuesdays with Morrie.

Who'll try B ?

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Lincoln, Abraham...Dare I? Why not? Although not known as an author or novelist, certainly, anyone who wrote the Gettysburg Address, that masterpiece of the English language and other works that were so brilliantly written, should be recognized here, by us who treasure what words can do. 

Indeed, lorouch!  .....and he was the author of words remembered by most of us.

Maugham, W Somerset...author of "The Moon and Sixpence." 

Nesbø, Jo a Nordic author who wrote THE SNOWMAN.

OATES, JOYCE CAROL....author of 161 books, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and, oh yes, a professor at Princeton...in her spare time, no doubt.  Her novel We Were the Mulvaneys was made into a TV miniseries, which probably made her more well-known than her many other accomplishments.

I am reminded of the following quote

Gore Vidal's four favorite words in the English language were: "I told you so."

His three saddest words: "Joyce Carol Oates."

PRESTON, Douglas 

Started his career in The American Museum of Natural History. wrote many thrillers with Lincoln Child and others

Quinn, Julia...author of "What happens in London"  Her real name is Julie Pottinger, author of romance novels. 




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