TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

Views: 7171

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Ha! never heard of them 'til now, but they look good.

Hope they make a lot of money!

Yeah, this one has "franchise" written all over it. And apparently people do know about it all over the country --- another friends kids were talking about it this weekend. In Seattle! Not sure why this reply to Bmichael's comment is in the wrong place, but .......

                What words mean…. I was at my dil’s a few days ago, happened to chat with her neighbor, a real estate agent by trade. I pointed out that a large community was springing up in the lot next door like a crowd of beige stucco mushrooms. Bam,bam,bam!

                “Gonna get loud over there I guess,” I said, already missing the silent empty lot.

                She raised her eyebrows as though surprised. “I think not,” she said. Then she dropped her voice as though revealing a choice confidence: “They’re supposed to be very expensive to get into.”

                “Ah,” I said, trying to figure it out.

                 It has been my idea that the reason you rarely heard rich people scream was due to the acres separating their front doors from the street…and those thick hedges and gurgling fountains and oaken portals, and what-not. Here the condos or apartments or whatever they were are on top of each other cheek by jowl, high priced or no. I could imagine folks calling from balcony to balcony, pool splashings and shrieking runs through the sprinklers.

          Does the size of your paycheck mute your volume, soften your footsteps, moderate your foolishness? What am I missing?

Freakin' summer...too hot...too humid...can't think...can't write...

...can't eat...can't sleep...can't run...can't hide...

It's a DRY heat here in the golden state - 113 one day last week - what the menu calls a cool oven - slowly roast from the juicy inside out.

…no hope…can’t cope… can’t drink … uh… I mean…

CAN drink .... can't get dry! Rain, rain, rain, heat, heat, heat. Hic!

Ok, so we're in a heat wave here. But I am escaping! Off to Alexandria Bay in the Thousand Islands. And from there, Deep River, Ontario and the KO Lodge, where we plan to fish for a week (with a side trip to Ottawa). Best part? Temps predicted to be in the 70s during the day and 40s at night. Yay!



How 'bout now , M...huh? Huh?...Whattaya say...Huh?...Huh?...

Oh, M. You are blessed. ☺

Thanks, Westerly!  And, um, Bmichael, there, er, um, ISN'T ROOM IN THE CAR for you two, er,  with the coolers, fishing rods, tackle box, illegal liquor to be smuggled across the border, passports (and how silly is THAT rule?) and, ah, other stuff!

But love the outfits .... Eh?




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