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If you were the interior designer for heaven, what would you make it like?

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WHOA!!! it looks like the Casbah or something.where's the harem?

Well, the harem's in your heaven (My heaven is free of jerks, which means there wouldn't be too many people there! (wink!))- but yes - I like the colors and the cushions - it just looks like a place I would want to hang around for a while!

jus' call me shiek

Is it hard to be a Cheerio when you're surrounded by Fruit Loops, WS?

HEY HEY HEY, who you referring to? ;)

Fluffy clouds and pretty flowers cute baby animals

Actually, now that I've had some time to think about it, my description of heaven right now would be a nice cool, dark sensory deprivation chamber.

this is my idea of Heaven

Are there aligators or sharks or snakes in there truckie?

hi lifesighs...yep, plenty of  tiger sharks...in fact, every second fish is a shark

at nite time, you can see the stars behind the stars..amazing

one of the best holiday destinations I have ever been to


Wonderful, I would love to go there..except for the sharks part they talk funny but I could understand them.  The second vid had pretty music and wonderful scenery.

it's bee-yoo-dee-fole




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