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If you left the house right now, what is the coolest place you could go to in about an hour?

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Rosie, I've been to all three many times. Good choice. Idyllwild in the winter or Pio Pico RV park near Jamul are nice too.

No place cool within an hour of here; takes about 4 or 5 hours to get anywhere of any interest.

Closest hot spot is Chicago, and that's more like 2 hours away. Now.....if I were home in VA, there would be gazillions of cool places to go....DC, for starters.

I've been all over DC in my working years. Loved the history and the great bars that serve some pretty good food if you know where to go.

They turned the old post office building next to Union Station into a micro-brewery. It's got great atmosphere, and the food is great.

Awesome!! Some day I got to get back there.

Come on down! We'll lasso Helen and I'll buy dinner!

Deal, I'll buy the drinks!

Woo Hoo! Hear that, Helen? Are you in?

Would love to leave the tip at the table and then sashay out with two lovely ladies. One on each arm. Real Woo Hoo!!

where ever i am IS the coolest place.




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