TBD on Ning

Thoroughly enjoyed Khaled Hosseni's AND THE MOUNTAINS ECHOED

Tried reading Nora Robert's WHISKEY BEACH next.  It didn't hold my attention and didn't care for any of the characters except, maybe, Grandmother Hester. I like being able to relate to either a person, place or situation at least in some small way.

Now reading Jo Nesbo's THE REDEEMER.  WOW!  The Salvation Army plays a major role in the story. This book is a Harry Hole thriller.  So hold on to your seat belts!!!

What's everyone else reading or are you taking a reading vacation? 

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Reading Baldacci's. The Hit. It's ok not a page tuner...Still looking for the book that I'll think about even when I'm not reading it. King's 11/22/63: A Novel was the last one.

Currently reading INDISCRETION by Charles Dubow. This is a captiviating debut novel with shades of Fitzgerald. Great character development.  If you can't tolerate steamy sex, don't attempt this read. Book would be a good choice for a F2F book club.  http://www.amazon.com/Indiscretion-Novel-Charles-Dubow/dp/006220106...

Finished INDISCRETION.  Fabulous read!!!!   The last third of book is exceptional.  I cared about all the characters compared to the Nora Roberts book, WHISKEY BEACH,  where I cared for none. If any of you have read either of these books, please let me know.

I just finished The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline; oh my gosh, it was so good, 5 out of 5 stars!  This is a novel; but there really were orphan trains running from about the early 1900's to WW2 I think, taking orphan kids from the east to the west, mostly to be fostered by farm families.  It jumps in time back & forth betw. an elderly woman who was on the orphan train and a troubled girl in the foster care system who's assigned to help the elderly woman for community svc.  So since both stories are from a gal's viewpoint, may or may not be the right cuppa tea for guys; but boy I really enjoyed it; seems as if the author did a good job with the research of the real orphan trains but it doesn't get in the way of the "story", if you know what I mean ;-)  Anyway, highly recommended!

Thanks!  I'm now #2 on the reserve list.  Quite awhile ago I did read a book about the orphan trains but can't remember the title. Am sure that each relocated child carried along a story.

Finished ORPHAN TRAIN last night.  It was a most enjoyable read with likeable characters.  Am sure there are many stories out there about the children from the orphan trains.  Thanks, officerripley, for this recommendation!

Sounds like yet another to add to my TBR list............

That sounds really good...  gonna check it out at the library... thanks officerripley :)


LOL... TAB is still around readstoomuch... the drink of choice for my diabetic son-in-law.

Looking For Me sounds good. Thanks for the recommendation.

SLOPOK ...well said. 11/23/63....Trying to think of another book that bounces into my mind from time to time. It was so good on so many levels. Yes, flashing back to the 60's...and as others were discussing...our favorite brands at the time, school dances, car makes, model years...I mean so many fine points? King must have researched loads of News Papers of the day?

At the moment I'm into Jonathon King...the audiobook I purchased at Library book sale is 2005...title ...A Killing Night. So I order more of his stuff. At least in this one...takes place in my old stomping grounds...Fort Lauderdale, Florida...hero is from Philly...so some references there, too. So many books seem to be placed in New York...and always speaking about the corner of some neighborhood of which I have no reference. But in Jonathan's story...I know where Sunrise Blvd is and Broward Blvd, too plus other points of interest. Fun.

Did read Martha Stewarts...Living a Long Healthy Life. I'm not a fan...and most of the contents were not news to me...anyone who reads the Health section of daily newspaper, watches Doctor Oz or belongs to a weight management forum like Spark-People already has the knowledge. It was one of those "desperation grabs" at the Library before leaving on a camping trip.

Punching out for the day. ~mlo

Many thanks to Ursula, who recommended LOVE ANTHONY  by Lisa Genova.  Picked it up yesterday.  I do have a couple friends who have autistic sons and appreciate Genova's insight.

Rapa...did you see the notice about Vince Flynn? I don't know how to link stuff here...maybe after I REALLY retire? I liked his stories...read about 1/2 of his list. Sometimes I just have to break away from the reality of our world so choose more books that promise escape.




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