TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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Fresh produce is becoming plentiful again, and the farm fellows are out on the corners selling their plant life. Here come the signs announcing: "CHERRY'S" or "STRAWBERRY'S." Sometimes, "cherrie's" or "strawberrie's." (Almost there). Makes me crazy, because so widespread, and I'm sorry to be such a grammar geek.

And then there's

bacon, lettuce, and tomatoe.


My personal fave was in Chicago, on the second floor of an office building. In neon lights, it read:


Resume's continuance's.    ☺

Much as I hate to say it, Marilyn, it's possible that the apostrophe was supposed to be an accent mark for the e.

Possibly, except it read exactly as I wrote it! In other words, the "accent" was not over the "e," it was between the "e" and the "s".

In other news, I put my 96.5 year old mother on the plane Wednesday, after six days of hauling walkers around, reminding her of what state she was in ("New Jersey, mom") and listening to her bemoaning and bewailing the fact that the airline had lost her suitcase. Then yesterday my brother called to tell me her suitcase had been sitting on her couch in Texas the whole time --- she forgot to even bring it! Didn't know whether to laugh or cry ....

I am laughing. I don't know about you. I guess you don't have to be 96, though, for that kind of behavior. I keep putting things in a "safe place" and forgetting where that is, or I go to a room looking for something, and forget what it was I was after. I think I would remember to take my luggage, though.  ☺

I suspect that if it had been my mother, that upon returning home, her comment would have been something like “Well, look at that – the airline must have found my suitcase and returned it…when are you going to get a haircut?” 

"...the "accent" was not over the "e," it was between the "e" and the "s"."

What I'm saying is that some people do not know how to do the special character that an accented e is, so they use an apostrophe after the e to accomplish the same result.  At least, they think it's the same result.

Celebrated my mother's 101st birthday with her yesterday, so I know exactly what you're talking about, Marilyn.  My mother's eyesight is so bad now that she can't see if someone is sitting on the couch four feet away from her.  As a result of this, she alternated between thinking I was the caregiver, forgetting I was there altogether and complaining that I gave her a heart attack if I stood up, and complaining that she never gets to see me.  She also started asking me about dinner at approximately noon (she had lunch at 11:30) and then would forget whatever I said about it.

It was such a relief to leave this morning.  I know I'm a bad person for saying that, but there it is.  Oh, and a squirrel woke me up at 5:30, rolling nuts or something along the roof.  And it was 90 degrees in the bedroom, which I managed to bring down to 76 degrees by the time the squirrel woke me from a not very deep slumber.


My condolences that your mother is still alive at 101! A friend's mother lived to be 107, and constantly told me how she no longer wanted to be alive -- a tough situation, to be sure. Mine refuses any thought of a caregiver, or assisted living, even though she obviously needs it. Blind, frail, stubborn -- and deludes herself into thinking she's capable of independent living. Guess it's a common occurrence.

Another friend shared the wonderful story of her grandmother, who had lived with my friend's family. When she went to visit her sister in CA, she packed only her bedspread --- so that my friend's mother couldn't use it while she was away!

Laugh or cry? (I laughed out loud when my brother told me what had happened to my mother's suitcase!)




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