TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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My job, although it is nothing I would have chosen a few years ago, does have its rewards.  The biggest one is spending time with some delightful children, who are often surprising.  Thursday a ten-year-old girl asked me where babies come from.  (Of course, I was driving at the time, negotiating a merge into traffic.)  So I said, "Well, usually they come from the hospital."  I should have told her to talk to her mother about it, but I was just a little taken aback.

Carol…I think it’s  pretty neat that such a very young person not related would feel comfortable enough to approach you on such a subject.

Sounds like you’re in the right place, at least for now.

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, it was quiet. Too quiet!

The latest from here is that I'm going to be in a play tomorrow night. In a bar!



Oh, baby! Sounds lively.

What's the play, M?

First, a bit of backstory: Several years ago, a guy decided to start putting on plays in this bar, the Mermaid Inn, in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia. He'd done something similar in S. Carolina and wondered if it would work here. The principal was that we'd showcase original one-act plays around 30-45 mins. long, written by local amateur playwrights and performed by local amateur actors.

I got involved 3-4 years ago, after taking some acting classes at the Walnut Street Theater (country's oldest!). It's fun!

So the play itself is an original, written by the sister of the director --- a good writer, if somewhat dated ("Gosh darn it!") This play is a silly thing, akin to a British humor skit, about a case of mistaken identity. I have a huge part, am on "stage" almost the whole time, and with last night's rehearsal -- we're just about there.

Interesting wrinkle is that there's always just one performance. So, "At the Mermaid Playwright's Theater, Opening Night is also Closing Night."

More than you needed to know?

Nope, just right. My brother is part of a little theater group in San Diego. He tells me getting up on stage was just the thing he needed to cure his shyness. Funny to think about.


Have fun. Wish I could see.

Westerly, thanks for posting the picture of last night's audience! And your brother is right. I was terrified during the first acting class I took back in '06. Now? No butterflies! And I do notice how much more "physical" I am, and attribute it to getting up and making a fool of myself once in a while.

As a friend said last night while heading for her car:  "It's FUN!"


Because I know you all (well, Bmichael) have too much time on your hands.


Just in time!

I was running out of things to do!

I actually followed the link and clicked. Three times! Thanks for the laugh ....




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