TBD on Ning

What is love to you?

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love is smile when you see them, tenderness when you hold them, joy when you help them and courage when you let them go.

when two people can be who they are and get along

When I care more for their happiness than my own. 

It's unconditional all those things everyone else said.

Bringing a cup of tea when i didnt ask for it.

Being encouraging with my interests even if he doesnt understand them or have interest in them himself.

Being able to lay in each other's arms, sleep together and wake up together but not always have to be intimate. Sometimes its nice just to enjoy each other without the sex. (When I was married, I did NOT have that. If we were touching, it was SEX TIME...LOL!!)


Even in the grocery store??

i thought i knew once...boy,was i wrong.

Take a number and get in line, Tim.  :-(

I did know love.....I just was dumb enough to think it was returned. 




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