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What's something that makes you cringe whenever you think back on it?

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There's a lot of honest people in this group!


I wonder what our exes would say to this question?

I'm pretty sure she would say she wants me back. She tried many times in the past, but once I left, I never looked back. She was later clinically diagnosed with a chemical imbalance, and was just plain crazy. I tried to make things work for 7 years, but finally came to the conclusion she was she would never stop cheating on me. (first of MANY times was within 6 months of us getting married) Her life took a downward turn after the annulment, mine took a huge turn for the better. 

she would get loaded and swear me up one side and down the other...some people don't change.

her nickname was Buzz for a reason.

I think my ex finally found another victim I don't know or care what's in his head or even if he is still alive. The last time I heard from him was a threat in 1991.

I haven't seen my ex in seven years. (When my oldest son got married.) My daughter is getting married again on the 10th. The ex will be there along with her family. That will be a long day.

Ya deserved better, kiddo. It's good that you moved on.

I think we had the same ex Rose, the description fits him perfectly, or possibly his evil twin.

I keep telling you.....invite a young, hot blonde to attend with you!  It'll make it a lot more pleasant.....believe me. 

In my dreams, Karin!!

you must have some fantastic dreams JB.

I can't say the same....about the exes, I mean.  I am of the firm belief that people come and go in our lives for a reason, and when the purpose is fulfilled.....and the need is gone.....they move on.  We don't always know why at the time....but in retrospect, it can be determined that some good came from it.  If nothing else, it's a learning experience.  All three of my marriages ended badly.  But they all had more good years than bad, and I learned a lot about life and about myself in those years.  They made me who I am.  And I took something lasting from each.  Four beautiful children (and their prodigy) from the first.....help raising my teenagers from the second......and invaluable assistance with my ailing parents and aunt (until they died) from my last husband.  I bear none of them any ill will.  (two have since died)  I still keep in touch with my last ex.....not regularly, but occasionally.  He has remarried, and is happy.  Good for him.  He is living a lifestyle I could never live.....but she will.  Do I like growing old alone?  Of course not.  But it's what is my lot.....and I have accepted it.  But I can't really say I regret my years with any of those men.  I have good memories of all three.  So...........no cringing. 




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