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Where do you live?  Have you moved around a lot in life?  If you could pick anywhere you wanted to live, where would you pick?  Why?

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The only thing wrong with Paris is....it's filled with Frenchmen! Sorry, but every honest-to-goodness French person I've met was rude and arrogant. A Frenchman is the only fella I ever jumped out of a CR at a stoplight to get away from. And a table full of them were some of the worst customers I ever waited on in the truckstop. They treated me like crap and then stiffed me. Even the truck drivers were amazed by their attitude. I would like to see Paris....but I wouldn't want to live there.

watch me catch hell for this, the french women do not shave anything at all,i know firsthand.i won't even tell you what they use for t.p. over there.

Do tell...please :)

I am a native Texan (Houston) but living in the Seattle area at the moment. It is beautiful here, other wise I don't care for it. I am only here because I have a great job.  When I retire I would like to move to Alaska or maybe Montana. I love Texas but what is the song..."All my exes live in Texas"  (I only have 1 ex)

been in Manville my whole life,was born and grew up a couple houses away from where i live now.i never had a reason to go anywhere else,but lately,i been think long and hard about moving south,maybe Texas.winters are hurting so much more every year here.

Born in Milwaukee and have lived there my whole life. Have a son going to school on the ten year plan and still living here. Eventually I want to move somewhere else as I think Milwaukee is a future Detroit. Have a cabin in the Wisconsin Northwoods that I spend lots of time at from April through October (well, not April this year, the lake is STILL iced over). Not an easy place to live in year round with the snow they get.

Born and always lived in the Denver area, except for 1 year I lived in San Diego, have never been any place I like better than here.

I reside in Baltimore Maryland...I live where ever I find happiness ..LOL

A Wisconsonite all my life!  My dream is to move to a warmer climate when I retire!  Or at the very least spend a considerable amount of time in a warmer climate!

I was born in New York and after I was married I moved to NJ for a few years and back to NY.  In 1989 I moved to Maryland and have been here ever since.  My kids and grandkids are all here, so it's likely I'm here for good.  I tried moving to Northeast PA but couldn't take the weather and missed the kids.  I only lasted three months.  It was more like a 3 month vacation with my brother. 

Lynn your life sounds like a permanent vacation.  That's wonderful.  I would love to see the southwest area of this country.  A really good friend of mine love Albuquerqe NM. 




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