TBD on Ning

In the next day or so, it will be John Kerry's turn as secretary of state as the Hillary Clinton stewardship ends.

As difficult as it has been for Mrs. Clinton, the Kerry watch could be as difficult or more so than hers. Nothing has been resolved in most of the trouble spots of the world, in fact they have multiplied.  A war was ended, that is true, but now it seems overall not to have diminished any threat or lighting any load as to what has yet to be done.

Then again, what we do have as the American foreign policy? Is there an overall strategy or is it all situational  in response to ongoing events. If there isn't some over all idea of what is most important to America and the American people as to the foreign policies of this country, then what is the new secretary to do.

What we have had is seemingly travel first, and travel often, to place in the world to do, well, to do what? To be seem and be heard is important, visibility does count but then again is that policy, or the replace of image for substance? In our age, image does count for alot, a lot of coverage mostly and media time, of course, if not frequent flyer points.

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One hell of a mess out there isn’t it.  The job doesn’t get any easier.  In fact in many ways I think it is tougher than it was during the Cold War.  During that period it was primarily a matter of dealing with the Soviet Union.

But the world has changed.  We perhaps need some overall strategy, but at the same time are facing new situations and unexpected events all at the same time.  

As far as Ms. Clinton is concerned, when she first came on the scene when her husband became president, I did not care much for her at all.  But now I think she did a great job as Secretary of State and have become very much an admirer of her.  I was especially happy to see President Obama go on 60 Minutes with her and tell the country how much he appreciated her efforts.  Kerry has some big shoes to fill and I wish him the best.

Winding down the two Christian Crusades in the War Against Islam of previous Republican Administrations has been a full time job.  And civilized nations did appreciate the more adult foreign policy diplomacy of Ms Clinton and Barrack Obama instead of the sand lot bullying of right wing neocons Dick Cheney and George Bush the Jr.   

Secretary Clinton served as principal adviser to the President in the determination of U.S. foreign policy by meeting regularly with her counterparts in most countries as well as took responsibility for overall direction, coordination, and supervision of interdepartmental activities of the U.S. Government overseas (sans military).  

That's something Condi Rice never had to do under the dictatorship of George & Dick.   No disrespect to Condi, she's above reproach, but I'm pretty sure all Condi got to do was schedule meetings for the boys and serve coffee.

John Kerry is certainly qualified for the job, I'll be following his progress and wish him well in a tough job.

Well, OK, right on cue, Israeli air attack in Syria and a terrorist bombing in Turkey and the day is not even done yet.

Nope, it is situational and tactical once again as to what and where the US is going to be challenged and challenged to respond.  And this is the intent of some of those that oppose us, to keeping the turmoil bubbling, have as many places being involved and seek to gain any advantage and make it difficult to know where and who to focus on next. 

And no, a drone strategy, much rules of engage, doesn't matter.  We live in a confused and confusing world, and we have to make sense of it in real time.  And yet, we are blind by the lack of what we know and when we know it, much less how to respond proactively and in anticipation.  And yes, much of this is to make us look weak, powerless and impotent.

Like, what's going on?  

Is Uncle Joe stepping on stuff in the barnyard or just misspeaking or more likely, speaking just like Joe usually does, without thinking.  And no, this is not a gay moment it is a diplomatic moment, a critical and delicate moment in dealings with the Iranians.  

With a new sheriff in Foggy Bottom, it is off message and off putting to have a major foreign policy initiative being made by the vice-president who doesn't hold the portfolio and particularly as the portfolio is being passed to some one(from some one who could be a Bidden opponent in 2016), John Kerry, who will need all the creditably as the go to guy on foreign policy and relations in the Obama administration.

Not the best of starts and a sign of confusing?  It is said that the West Wing wants to hold the Defense portfolio with a weak secretary and maybe it wants to also hold the State portfolio and make Kerry a mouth piece.

Hagel isn't weak on defense, he supports Obama's policy and rejects Conservative over-reactionism. (like most of the country)

Conservatives like Cheney/ Bush attacked Iraq not necessarily, but deliberately to borrow money he didn't have, bankrupt his country, and cause a 2nd Depression in his effort(s) to end (the entitlements) Social Security and Medicare. 

Hagel it seems is a Crunchy Conservative.  http://usconservatives.about.com/od/conservativepolitics101/tp/Are-...

Hmmmm...upon further review Uncle Joe's remarks were authorized, in that, it was a written speech made in Germany.  

It still begs the question of why Joe?  Admittedly it was in Germany and a foreign affairs platform so, a point was being made here.  Now, today, there is a hint from the Iranian foreign minister that the six party talks will resume later this month, of course, these have been periodically held and nothing as far as a results.  

So, is all of this in response to the Israeli initiative in Syria?  Probably.  Israel certainly moved its muscle and could have been practicing some of what it needs to do in an attack on Iran, but what it does signal is Israel will move back into its interventional stance now that the Israeli elections are over, and Nytanyahu still has his red marker at the ready.   

And the Iranian answer to talks is, ...no, not interested.  

Instead the Iranians are having fun with drones, ours that they captured , a stealth one that is.  It appears that they have extracted video from the drone, one of the high tech, high security, Sentinel series that we denied that the Iranians had caught somehow in flying over their territory.  And also say they have reversed engineered and preparing their own version.

As in every thing connected with Iran reality covers both the creditable and incredible so, much to not know as to what is and what is not happening.  Which is in some sense the point of a lot of American policy what do we know and how do we know it, and if we know what are we going to do about it.

As to most things that happen in the Middle East and Central Asia, we didn't seem to know enough and can and do only react seemingly blindside by events. 




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