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It's hard to understand some people. Maybe we should call it what it is, mental illness.

(Read Article Here)

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apparently it's satire but so close to the truth it's scary.

I think, at least this time, to call it any thing else other then mental illness would be satire.

That just goes to prove Something is wrong with that woman...

Ann Coulter just proved once again......she's a dingbat.........

This is so bizarre, so far beyond the pale, that I would like to have the story confirmed by some other source.  I have always regarded Coulter as some freak of nature, but even this.......!  If true she needs to be committed.

OK, this is, as portrayed, outrageous as regards behavior.    As a means to gain attention, working.  So, what and how to take this, theater or firmly held beliefs?  In Coulter's case she has something to sell, and has for years sold it to a segment of the listening and watching public.  

As to baying at the moon, well, that to sells. 

Definitely mental illness, if not some joke gone wrong. Airlines don't just let anybody sit in the Captains or the 1st Officer (co-pilot) seat. I hope Ann get help real some.

oh come on now.....this is beginning to sound like the left hand of the 'it sounds like something he'd say'...and 'fema camps and guillotines'...this is SATIRE

what is the daily currant?


The Daily Currant is an English language online satirical newspaper that covers global politics, business, technology, entertainment, science, health and media. It is accessible from over 190 countries worldwide - now including South Sudan.

Our mission is to ridicule the timid ignorance which obstructs our progress, and promote intelligence - which presses forward.


Q. Are your newstories real?

A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world

The Daily Currant

I really like that Time's Cover however .... isn't it interesting the Ann Coulter story is believable?

The point I think is that the "right" says/does stuff like this all the time and the media would have us believe they have a right to believe in what they believe ...  

Of course the "right" do claim the same thing about the "left".  But if someone posted something like that about a "leftie", who would believe it.  That is, besides another "rightie"?  Crazy, isn't it.




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