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Is there a piece of technology that you find absolutely useless?  what is it?...why?

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probably.  I just got back from my rare visit there.  It was still all gack.  The only way to enjoy FB is to type in something that you're interested in and maybe a page will pop up that's devoted to the topic.  If pages are popping up today, that is.  Sometimes I don't even have a newsfeed.

Years ago that was true for me.  But you can't have strangers coming in almost daily and changing the little tyke in his bassinette to a girl or a pig or a snoring boar.  FB is not the beautiful baby it once was.  Of course, we all still use it to keep in touch with relatives.

i left FB a year and a half ago

I like facebook to keep up with family and friends.  I don't put a lot on there, but I can't imagine getting off of it.  Keeps me updated on a lot of family I lost touch with because of my divorce. 

i didn't have a problem with it,i just didn't have the time for it

the only ads I see are on the far right side of the page.  They don't bother me. 

i didn't leave cuz of the ads,it just wasn't for me

I just recently joined because I opened a small used furniture store. I guess my reason for not joining was/is a personal preference because I hear the mess and stupidity it causes among co-workers who check one anothers statuses and speculate all sorts of things. My boss checks everyone"s pages! Ack! It drives me nuts thinking of the analness of it all. I have very little desire to be a part of that network of nitwits and small minded individuals. I blocked those who I know are trouble makers. So it isn't the product...just some of the users. I could do without it.




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