TBD on Ning

What is the first thing you remember as a kid?

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I guess my first memory was in the crib when I'd had a horrible nightmare & no one came to comfort me!  

Sitting in my high chair at the table watching Mom, Dad, and grandma talking, I remember asking for more mashed potatoes.

Good 4 u.  I was that way 2 but played the trumpet so well they made me do it in front of church, at school & orchestra.  I ad 2 get over that feeling pretty quickly!

Playing the pinball machine at the local bar with my dad

Thank u - I 2 remember playing down at the bar around the corner, but our parents weren't there.  We were treated with respect, helped get them drinks & got a cola or 7 Up plus played those pinball machines:)  They would drag chairs over 4 us 2 stand on & it was great fun 4 rainy days - until our parents found out = Whoooeeeee! What a ruckus they caused & spoiled all our fun  LOL

One of my first memories was watching what catfish eat.

Yeah, I 2 recall shooting  lots but I could never bring myself to kill anything either.  I play in Cowboy shoots 4 awile as an adult & that was a lot of fun! :)




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