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What fashion trend will you never understand?

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ahaha,my neighbor's son does that

then there's this guy


weird pierced places, tattoos, huge things in ear lobes, crotches hanging down to knees

It's all so ridiculous.

The Kewpie doll hairstyle where they comb the top of their hair to the middle of their head.  I don't think it looks that bad but I wonder if they don't know it's a Kewpie doll or just don't care.  (Those dolls are before my time, but who hasn't seen pictures of them?)  If they just don't care, that's fine.  It isn't revolting or anything. 

do you have a kewpie doll hairstyle?

wedge shoes and  also crew cuts.

I don't know if you could call it a fashion trend, but I have a question to ask the guys out there. 

How come......when the temperature is 24 degrees and the wind is blowing......do you wear short pants?  I saw a young man yesterday at Wal-Mart who was wearing one of those fuzzy winter hats that have the flaps that come down over  your ears, a winter jacket.......and shorts!!  What sense does that make?  I see it a lot....both here and back home in Illinois.  All ages of guys.  Is it considered fashionable?  Or cool?  Or "manly"? 

Cuz I think it just looks dumb. 

Could be me...typical California.

i see it,but i don't get it,i'm allergic to anything below 65 degrees

I see guys doing it all the time here in Maryland.  I thought it was a Maryland thing.  Guess it's from much larger circles.  I'm with you Tim.  I prefer the temperatures above 65.  I'll take 95 anyday. 




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