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What, in your opinion, is mankind's greatest achievement?

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That is a thing of beauty!  I always loved those cars back them  What make and model is it Tim?

1958 Pontiac Parisienne

That's hard to beat, Tim.

But I think landing on the moon was a pretty great accomplishment. 

Charley Mopps the man who invented BEER

the various anesthesia for surgeries and childbirth

I hope you mean humankind (wink.)

I think it is art!

Language might be even greater!

I think art is right up there on my list too. Music as a form of art included.

But just let my electric go out and have no hot water and I might not be as happy. ...lol

Here's a selection...

I think going into space and landing on the moon.  It was amazing. 

Pun alert -har, har.  I love it!





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