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What is a random fact about yourself?

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How are these two things related - or are they?

They wouldn't give me my Eagle at 13 because I didn't go to Church "enough", long story.  So I went to Church and they let me have my Eagle at 14, with a "Palm".  Besides being a bunch of hypocrites, they were ignorant.  So I never went back.  Quit Scouts too and did the Appalachian Trail Maine to Georgia over the next three summers.  Scouts prepared me for that, I'm not sure what the Church did for me that I already didn't know, I already did the "God and Country" Award thing.


Now that is a story that has to be told how you got that award then left church.

I left church after I found out how two-faced the ones in charge were but I never got an award!

cool..when i was a kid,i was able to turn my right foot completely around,i had fun grossing out my sister with it.i can't do it any more,just maybe 1/2 or 3/4 around.

like a lawn rake?

Wow, who knew Imaginethat's got talent!

Nor do you see the original Spanish post to which mine was in reply.  That's twice Flipper has deleted one of his (or someone has) and it makes my reply to him look stranded, goofy, and just plain bizarre.  There she is speaking German and I'm responding in Spanish about cats!!!  Anybody know how to delete responses on this site?  I can't find it.

it happens quite a bit

bon jour

really???   I can't delete any responses here. Now that makes me curious.....I know that in the other group things came up missing randomly so much so that a good friend of mine quit! Censoring things isn't cool. I think that we are all able to discern if we want to read something or not. I haven't seen anything so "to the left" that I'd delete it. II like my left-handed friends besides. :)) If anything, our answers are too tame sometimes...lol. I just read this, and now am wondering......hmmmmm.  I bet they hate it when I say "crap"

I was talking about the group, including you. Ha ha the back bend thing is amazing.

I love to blast music in a car and pretend I can actually sing




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