TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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Have no idea what the lyrics mean, but then, that was true of many songs of the era.  They sounded profound, but were really nonsense, usually written (and listened to) in a drug-induced haze.

I always thought they were saying, "Look at yourself, look at yourself, young girl."

And... I actually saw them play at my college winter prom/festival thingie.  As I recall, the rest of their music was not as engaging as "Incense and Peppermints".

Here's an alternate version of the lyrics, which, to me, make more sense:

Good sense, innocence, cripplin' mankind
Dead kings, many things I can't define
Occasions, persuasions clutter your mind
Incense and peppermints, the color of time.

Who cares what games we choose?
Little to win, but nothing to lose.

Incense and peppermints, meaningless nouns
Turn on, turn in, turn your eyes around.

Look at yourself, look at yourself, yeah, yeah
Look at yourself, look at yourself, yeah, yeah, yeah!

To divide this cockeyed world in two
Throw your pride to one side, it's the least you can do.
Beatniks and politics, nothing is new
A yardstick for lunatics, one point of view

Who care what games we choose?
Little to win, but nothin' to lose.

Good sense, innocence, cripplin' mankind
Dead kings, many things I can't define.
Occasion, persuasions clutter your mind
Incense and peppermints, the color of time.

Who cares what games we choose?
Little to win, but nothin' to lose.

Incense and peppermints
Incense and peppermints

I personally think the peppermints are the color of thyme, not time.

About the song and its meaning: : 1. The psychedelic was in full swing when Incense and Peppermint became popular. Incense is often burned to mask the smell of marijuana. Peppermints are used to mask the smoke on a person's breath. 2. In the first phrase, we are told innocense and good sense are nice, but they can disable you. "Who cares what games we choose, little to win and nothing to lose" means that it doesn't matter what types of drugs a person uses -- only that you don't gain much by doing or not doing the drugs. 3. "Tune on, tune in, drop out" is a phrase Timothy Leary used to promote the use of LSD. It is used in the second verse to tell the listener to take a look at him/herself. The fact that incense and peppermints are "meaningless nouns" may means that these words are strung together and aren't intended to mean anything in particular. Beatnics and Politicians each have their own point of view. Every group has their own way of looking at things and there's no use in fighting over who is right. (taken from site MusicBanter)

I knew the smart kid would come through...Thanks!

I personally like "yeah, yeah, yeah." But that's just me.

Curse you, Bmichael!  Now I have that damn song as an earworm.

I will have my revenge, though.

Recently, I found myself behind a courteous driver in traffic.

Just so you know, courteous drivers are not always my favorites.

In this particular case, Ms. Courteous  was directly in front of me at a traffic light in a brightly colored Volkswagen, complete with a bumper sticker that said (I swear this is true) “Give Peace  A Chance”.

Anyway, when the light changed, rather than moving forward, she held her position and waved through a pickup truck from a side street on the right.

The driver of this truck was very appreciative and waved politely at her for her kindness.

This should have been the end of the “practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty” session, however, it wasn’t.

 Ms. Courteous – apparently enamored by the response of the truck driver, wanted more positive reinforcement, so she continued to allow a large number of vehicles exiting from the Schnell Sausage Works at the shift change to enter the highway, waving cheerily at each of them as they passed by.

Most of them – still in their white foodservice hairnets - could give a shit and ignored her.

And, of course, when the last of them passed, the light changed to red – just after Ms. Courteous passed through.

I checked the rear view  - there was no one behind me.


Just beyond the light, the train crossing barrier activated.

It was gonna be awhile.


So...what kind of driver are you?

Here's what I think:

Westerly - Courteous

Marilyn - Not Courteous

Carol - Occasionally Courteous

B A F - Semi-Courteous

Am I right? Huh? Am I? Huh? Huh?

Actually, Westerly is the type to signal only on a need-to-know basis, if she figures that the left-signalling guy in the suicide lane is going to cut her off before she makes her right. No good deed goes unpunished, and Mr Impatient doesn't need to know.

Sorry the lovely hippy peace freak screwed you out of your due. Although I consider myself as courteous of the majority of decent folks out there, Westerly grew weary of line jumpers a long long time ago.

Semi-courteous, I guess you wou;ld say.

Hey! I resent that, Mr. Know-It-All! I'll have you know (puff, huff) that I am actually pretty damned courteous, especially when you consider that I drive through three (count 'em, three) states to get to work. Start in Joisey, 'cross the Walt Whitman bridge (celebrating myself as I go), into PA, take the on ramp to the deathtrap that is I-95 , alllllll the way to DUH-laware, where I finally get off, 30 miles from where I began.

The OTHER drivers on the other hand ... nevermind.


Wanted, young man single and free
Experience in love preferred
But will accept a young trainee

Oh, I'm gonna put it in the want ads
I need a love that's true
Gonna put it in the want ads
My man and I are through

At home I find myself
Lost and all alone
My man is playing the field
The thrill is gone
He stays out all night
Says he's with the boys

But lipstick on his collar
Perfume on it, too
Tells me he's been lying
Tell ya what I'm gonna do

I'm gonna put it in the want ads
This girl's in misery
Gonna put it in the want ads
Somebody rescue me

I spend my nights alone
Cryin' bitter tears
Although I cry aloud
Nobody really hears
And when I need him most
He's never by my side

He's either playing cards
Or drinking at the bar
He thinks that I'm a fool
I'm going to the evening news

Gonna put it in the want ads
I need somebody new
Gonna put it in the want ads
My man and I are through

Extra! extra! read all about it!
Wanted, young man single and free
Experience in love preferred
But will accept a young trainee

Extra! extra! read all about it!
Wanted, young man single and free
Experience in love preferred
But will accept a young trainee

Oh, I'm gonna put it in the want ads
I need somebody new
Gonna put it in the want ads
My man and I are through

Gonna put it in the want ads
This girl's in misery
Gonna put it in the want ads
Please somebody rescue me

Lipstick on his collar
Perfume on it too
Tells me he's been lying
I'm going to the evening news

Gonna put it in the want ads
I need somebody new
Gonna put it in the want ads
My man and I are through

Gonna put it in the want ads
This girl's in misery
Gonna put it in the want ads
Please somebody rescue me

Gonna put it in the want ads...

Don't know whether to laugh or sigh

or fill out an application.

I believe the ad specifies YOUNG man, Bmichael. :-P




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