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What story frightened you most as a child?

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the truth,AHHHHHHHHH

"La Llorona" - a legend of a woman who drowned her children & hung around water (in our case the irrigation canal that ran through the city, it's a desert after all) to take children to replace hers. This is a folk tale in many Hispanic cultures.

Most of them scared me, hansel and gretel was one I had nightmares over. The witch putting them in the oven was bad.

I didn't like those things that lived under the bridge either.

I had a Little Golden Book version of Little Red Riding Hood and the page where the wolf was actually coming after up close with giant teeth I wouldn't let my mother show me.  This was, after all, back when the wolf actually ate her and the guy with the axe had to chop open the wolf to save her.


Are you too young to remember that version?  The books are so politically correct nowadays and even in the '80s, it's hard to imagine they're the same story.  Some of the Mother Goose stories disappeared altogether.

i'm not all that young,i just never heard much about fairy tales and disney,mother goose and all that.

I have a book of "Politically Correct Fairytales".  You should see how they mangled the stories we grew up with.  Sure, some of our fairytales were scary.....but we turned out ok, didn't we?  I don't think anyone ever used "Hansel and Gretel" as a defense in a murder trial. 

I guess I must be a tough cookie, cuz I can't ever remember any story....no matter how scary.....ever bothering me. I always knew they were just stories, and thus only make-believe. 

In a Dr. Seuss book there were some pale green pants with no one inside them.

I hated that.




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