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What's something you love doing, even though you are horrible at it?

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Singing and dancing.  It doesn't bother me at all that I'm horrible at both

Entertaining, I love doing it but make myself nuts over it, wish I could relax.

Playing Monopoly with my 17-yr-old granddaughter!  She destroyed me twice in one day over Christmas.  It's unbelievable how much luck that girl has.  I keep saying I want to have her pick the numbers for a lottery ticket, but I never actually buy any tickets. 

I still like playing with her, though.  She beats me at cards a lot, too, but there my experience sometimes helps me out. 

Hey, karin, Monopoly is mostly luck, so I wouldn't worry about it too much! (Besides do you really want to be a slumlord? wink!)

Gardening!  I get so excited over a tiny little green tomato - all the while, my neighbors are canning endless amounts of veggies. (And I'm lucky if I see a single tomato ripen!)




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