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What's the one thing you wish you did BEFORE you had kids?  pssstttt.....not contraception related...

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yea,i don't fly,i never did,i don't know how

Gone to college, it was harder taking classes along the way, no regrets really though I enjoyed my lifelong learning experiences.

I wish I had gone to college before having kids. I went later in life and loved it after I got used to tests and a ton of reading. I also wish I had traveled and taken time for myself. My Mom always told me these things, but did I listen?  noooo....lol.  I have a great family and so I can't really complain at all. But just wish I had thought about things a little sooner.

 Iwish i had bought a property a lot sooner..would have made it a lot easier

Brought up my kids on my own for 15 years, even put one through university

though...no regrets...there great kids now

I wish I had gone to nursing school.  Never could afford to go once they came along.




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