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What are your simple pleasures?

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hmmmmm... you haven't had a great cuppa coffee? ....or something made you smile?  enjoyed a moonlit night, a snowflake on the tongue, a classy car?

I just had the pleasure of sitting on the back patio having a good coffee & watching the full moon.

Another is the joy of waking in the morning having coffee & oatmeal breakfast, then going to the flying field flying my plane and visiting with flying buddies out in the open breeze or wind as the case may be, it is great to be alive and be myself.

Memories ...

Babies on commercials are always nice.

Foot rubs and back rubs are on the top of my list. Holding hands, hugs, playing with the dogs, walking on the beach, finding ocean glass, watching nature.

Coffee isn't a simple pleasure it's a necessity for life.

fishing as the sun is coming up...and sneaking a bit of Boubon into my coffee.

A Puppy with Puppy Breath.

Tha's what I'm talk'n about :0)

that's the day i brought him home,he's all growed up now

This is my little guy "Sir Oxley of House Rushworth" at 8 weeks checking out a Pre-Columbian Chihuahua ...

he's cool




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