TBD on Ning

Which completely outdated/uncool phrase do you still use?

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Bite me.

Yep Cool for me too, I try to stop myself, ingrained.

Yeah, all those leftover hippie ones I still use too.  I especially like the "farout"  because it was used to comedy effect in two of my favorite movies.

I still say "duh".  Have finally quit saying "no duh".

Once at the high school where I was picking up my daughter I said, "Rats!", about something and one of her friends said to her very quietly, "Did she just say rats?"

Four letter word that starts with sh. I am trying really really hard, but I can't lose that one!  I say cool too, because I just don't know another way to say that. (Maybe I'll start saying far out!)

groovy man...lol    cool, that's cool, way cool, any cool at all....don't flip your wig

Hey, that's my four letter word! (wink!)



"have a good day"  is that an ORDER, or a casual "goodbye"?e


Yea too or 2, I'm guilty of that one too 2 also.




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