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What's your useless talent?

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I can recite the alphabet backwards in about 3 seconds.

now that's talent!! I have never really tried that. Did you start doing it as a competition among your friends at school, or brothers and sisters?   cool.....

No..Just to pass the time..ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK JIHGFEDCBA. 

dang....now I'll hafta practice...lol

i can't do that,and i'm always bass ackwards

So no one explained how to wiggle ears.  Does anyone know how to move your scalp backward and forward with just a movement of your forehead?  And then, the guy I saw could also grab hold of his hair on each side and make his scalp go left and right like a loose wig.  So cool.

i can wiggle my ears,but you'll hafta take my word for it.not like bird wings,but pretty funny anyways.

I can write words backwards...I started doing this when I was making Christmas lists of things I wanted to buy. I could hide the list in PLAIN SIGHT that way. NO ONE ever knew but I finally DID tell my kids when they were all grown up and they said, "AHHH so THATS why there were a bunch of letters written lightly on all the presents! My daughter was a MAJOR snoop so I STOPPED putting tags on the gifts until Christmas Eve or Day but could identify WHAT they were.

I can spell most anything I have seen one time....

Nothing other than fishing for fish that I always throw back.

I don't bait the hook.  That way they don't wake me up...

spoken like a true fisherman.

I can pick up things with my toes.




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