TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows your name and we’re awfully glad you came, oh wait that was CHEERS.

Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us.

Ladyg - Owner
Mary - Manager
Lynn - Bartender

Tags: Coffee, Conversation, Food, Friends, Music

Views: 1232

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Good Morning Gatherers, the doors are always open, come in sit have a cup of fresh brewed coffee on us. Your money is no good here. The lounge is for the members to come in and be comfortable. Welcome all who pass this way, please drop a line and say hello.

Hey Ladyg, a good afternoon to and our friends...It's been an encouraging couple of days~~I've just been laying low, reading and resting~~~ but wanted to say ~~HELLO~~ :)  I love ya'll!!!

hi, all!  just a drive-by to check in, hoping all's well!

Howdy all yall!

Good Morning Gatherers...........it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood........come on in, have some coffee and breakfast on us, your money is no good here...........


such a beautiful Christmas table, Ladyg!

Good Afternoon everyone, Oh lovely you do everything so well, Ladyg!!!! :)

Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday

Awwwww, thank you Ladysilverbird,!!!  The card is sooooo cute!!!! :)

Woke up 4am this morning to no electric, no internet, and temp has since dropped 20 degrees. Not normal Texas morning.

Wow Aggie.............I remember days like that when I lived in Michigan. It must be part of the storm cell that hit us. We have had Tornadoes, severe wind and rain drop on us this morning. You take care now.

Good Morning Gatherers, we are dealing with severe weather in Mobile, Al. Leaving some coffee and doughnuts this morning..............




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