TBD on Ning

Glad to see all of that are coming over here.  Let's get it rolling on here. 

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Thanks Helen - glad you moved the group here.  I just barely got started on the other site and now they're closing.  I hope I don't jinx this one! 

Helen I am wondering if there is a place to start a discussion


do we just all comment?  Gypsy Girl is lost again...thanks

Above where you see the message box, there's one that says +Add  I checked it out and that's where you start one.  I'm working on getting the rest of the crew on here.  I'll be bouncing back and forth for now.  The other site is like a wake and not a good Irish wake either.  We'll transition ok. 

Thanks Helen and you be careful not to run yourself ragged

Thanks so much for "getting us over here," Helen.  I'm a "slow learner," so I'll eventually figure out  how to "get rolling" in our new group!

Thanks Helen for all your diligence and efforts to move this group.  

I've been poking around this site and must get more familiar!

But I'm glad I'm here!

I kinda like it here.  and thanks Helen!!

It's the same platform as ThinkBeDo.  It's very similar to use.  That was one of the big reasons I moved it here.  Glad to see all of you. 

thanks for clueing me into this place, Helen - looks like it just might fill the bill!


Good to see you here Mike. 

Is this you Tim in your younger days?




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