TBD on Ning

Nooooo!  I am not read for Fall.  Alright, it can get cooler and rain occasionally.  Hear that Mother Nature..... occasionally.  LOL

I hope all who visit are having a good day.... week.... and..... yes a good month.

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Good Saturday morning!  I know I have been AOL the last few days.  The fatigue resulting for my work during the day keeps me away from most extra activities.

Yesterday my back protested a normal bending move so my day was spent resting as has been this morning so far.  Needless to say I am not happy with this and want it to go away forever.

The 90th birthday celebration was a success.  Not only for Sharon's mother but for the rare visit between her sister and brother.

Have a great weekend.

Good saturday morning to all
It is going to be a beautiful day today
Richard I hope that your back heals very soon
Lynn and RRC and anyone else who comes in today hello. I have been rather remiss at being on here myself. Am really trying to figure out my life. And have decided that instead of trying to figure it out will go with the flow and be content with the things that I have today. I can make the choice to be as happy as I want with what I have today.
Time to sign a new lease and have made the decision robe here one more year and to be happy about that choice. Life is to short to question.
Have a wonderful Saturday filled with love and laughter

good Saturday to all!

Richard, i am sorry about your back, this is 'way too soon after the last episode!  ouch!

Glad the birthday went smoothly and peacefully!  hooray!  for so many reasons....

Thalia, i totally support your decision to just "go with it" and make the best of each day.  Yes, you want to go to Oregon, but you don't seem ready to stop working and the next position isn't out west for now, so why not stay?  and truly, if you have an epiphany, mid-year, most anywhere will permit you to break the lease for a fee that's less than continuing to pay it....

i learned thursday evening that my daughter's disabled roommate was severely injured over a week ago, missing a wayward driver who was texting and hit the jersey barrier right where they'd been walking.  she/roommate saw it coming and called out, so the others in the party could step over the barrier in time, but she was right in target zone and just took a flying leap, which landed her at the bottom of a fairly steep ditch.  broken pelvis and coccyx, and injured elbow.  the local trauma center couldn't seem to get the doc there to operate on her elbow after 2 days (during which they wouldn't feed her because surgery "might happen" at any time) and gave her narcotics despite her clear refusal of them, so she finally signed herself out "against medical advice" and went home.  a nightmare, and my crazy daughter didn't call me for an entire week -- it's a good thing i couldn't reach thru the phone.  they were still waiting for medicare approval of the necessary "home health care" supplies like special pillow to sit on and a shower seat and other stuff, so the national bank of momma coughed up a credit card -- the supply company will credit it back once medicare approves.  they're more comfy now, at least.  it's always something, ain't it?

sunday.  brought up the rest of yesterday's groceries...all the perishables came up yesterday, but you'd think i'd learn -- shop every week, an amount i can actually lug up the steps, instead of waiting 'til i'm out of something critical (3-4 weeks) and then buying the whole list and hauling it up 2 flights of stairs.  sigh....

hope it was a good day for you!

Monday evening already.  I don't know where the weekend went.  I stayed somewhat busy as much as I could do with my back in mind.  It is feeling much better today and I have stopped taking ibuprofen.  I am careful stretching, and resting before it's too late.

Lynn I know what lugging groceries up those stairs is like.  I try hard to keep track of our food supply and replace them when they get low.  Oregon has banned plastic bags so it's back to hauling food in paper bags again.  To no surprise those bags are thinner and more fragile to transport from car to kitchen.

glad your back's better, Richard!  please treat it gently, and get with the muscle strengthening exercises ASAP to this doesn't keep happening!

i have a bunch of sturdy re-usable bags w/ handles, that hold LOTS more than the typical plastic ones.  well worth the $1 apiece cost!  still, 4-5 is about all i can leap-frog up the steps in one trip.  when i open the last of anything, it goes on the grocery list, but i'm also prone to buying staple things i know i'll use, when they're on sale -- canned foods, peanut butter, frozen foods too, for that matter.  and i'll put off shopping for as long as possible, until i'm either bored or actually have to have something immediately, then spend a fortune and have an impossible amount of stuff to get up the stairs.  if i'd just shop weekly or even twice/week, i could carry it all up the stairs handily....

just watched the debate.  first time every i've done that, this year, and i've watched them all, but i don't feel any more "enlightened" than i ever was, just more violent.  so infuriating.

tuesday, and i have completed everything on my work schedule, for the month.  sure, there will be the odd emails etc but not likely enough.  sigh.  a truly incredible amount of money is passing thru my bank account, why isn't any of it sticking in my pockets?

wednesday, and again, temps in the low 80s.  i LOVE indian Summer!

I am jealous of your warm weather.  It has been cloudy the last few days in th elow 50s with some rain and wind.

i know i couldn't survive in the Pacific Northwest, Richard, but you're doing okay there, it seems.  i'd happily live w/o A/C but couldn't live w/o sunshine....

hope your back's recovered and holding steady, now!

friday nite and indian summer is over, stores are beginning to empty of bread and milk and toilet paper already!  a Hallowe'en hurricane slams into a winter storm, somewhere near New York?  bizarre!

I hope Sandy isn't a bother to you guys back east.  It rained so hard today the downspouts couldn't drain fast enough so the gutters were overflowing.

I have about lost my composure with the County building permit people.  They keep kicking the apartment project back to me for revisions because they have unpublished "policies" I am not following.  It's like I bring them the wrong rock every time.  Meantime I get multiple phone calls from the client asking if I finished last week.




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