TBD on Ning

Nooooo!  I am not read for Fall.  Alright, it can get cooler and rain occasionally.  Hear that Mother Nature..... occasionally.  LOL

I hope all who visit are having a good day.... week.... and..... yes a good month.

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Am in Deer Valley with my friend Candie for AA, Alanon retreat. Is beautiful up here. Got good sleep last night yet am still tired from the trip and today we drove. Is always a nice relaxing weekend, good to see friends I usually only get to see two times a year.
Have a great day tomorrow filled with love and laughter.

friday, at last!  frost warning overnight, here....  it has to happen, eventually, i know.  grumble grumble

hope everyone had a good day today, and wishing you all a grand weekend!

saturday.  my friend Donna came down from DC today, for lunch and a visit.  i think it was an excuse to see the fall foliage, but things are still mostly green, tinges of yellow, hints of red, but occasionally and randomly, there will be a spectacularly red maple or a brilliant yellow whatever-it-is....  i think wednesday afternoon, i'll need to take another drive, that oughta' be about peak color

Thalia, i hope your retreat was as wonderful as the setting!

RRC, i know your play is going smoothly, funny how it always comes together in the end!  my son used to whine that i'd always go to the first night of high school plays, since his father would usually show up for the last night, but truly, the "slip-ups" that bother the cast and the director are trivial to the audience -- they see the overall play, not the faults.

Richard, i hope S got home from Montana safely, and that you two are having a lovely, peaceful weekend!

Drat it started to rain today.  But it is still fairly warm outside..... mid 60s.  Sharon did get home safe and sound.  I put her on the train this morning to go visit her mother near Eugene.  Her mother's 90th birthday is coming.  Sharon's brother is there from AZ.  I stayed to keep the home fires burning and sit with the dogs.  I'll be picking up Sharon at the train station Tues morning.

Thalia thanks again for taking time to meet and have breakfast with me.  It was a special time and you are a special friend.

Crystal, are you relaxing with a glass of wine and your feet up?  Or are you still going pall mall in every direction?  LOL


wow, Richard, your lady is on-the-go!  but yeah, the mother's 90th b'day w/ visit from the other sibling warrants a trip.  i hope Sharon loves the train as much as i do, that'll help her enjoy the journey!

Thalia, i'm glad you have tomorrow to recover from your travels.  getting up and going to work for the whole week would be rough....

RRC, coming up on the big days -- sleep while you can!

i worked hard today, never actually left the apartment.  i let myself do that occasionally, but most days i feel that i MUST get out or else my sanity will be threatened....

Sharon enjoys the train.  It offers a different kind of scenery.  I once took the train from Sacramento to Portland.  It was fun to see the OLD parts of towns that were once the center.

Today should be my day for working hard at home.  Cabin fever hits me harder on gloomy days.  And there just isn't enough daylight coming in through the windows to keep me energized.

yeah, that's when it's time to take the dogs for a walk, and at least get outside.

i too like trains!  have done a couple memorable trips in the last decade.  had hoped i could train to Denver in January, but it only runs thru here 3x/week. and the timing doesn't work out, would have to stay over a couple extra days and that's just too long.  so i'll end up driving instead.

Good morning my friends. Back at it. Had a wonderful vacation. Time to go back to work so I can do it again. Retreat. Was wonderful. Stayed home all day yesterday nursing a bum knee which is good today.
Thank you, Richard for taking me to breakfast. I loved meeting you. Lynn am looking forward to January when I get to meet you
RRC is your play over?
Have a good day all, fill it with love and laughter

Good morning, all!

it's definitely fall heading into winter.  groan.  the colors are getting brighter, but there's still a shortage of reds this year, very strange, it's mostly yellow and brown.

Thalia, glad your knee decided to heal itself, that's always a good thing!

RRC's play opens tonite, if the event notification on my FB is right.  she'll be running on pure adrenaline for the week!

Richard, your bachelor days are over today, and i'm thinking you won't even be complaining....

hope everyone has a great day!

wednesday, and i'm listening to a 2-hour conference call.  sigh.  sort of multi-tasking, doing "work stuff" since i'm billing for this time, but enough already....

the red maple trees are now showing up in the scene outside my window.  i did find one really spectacular one last saturday, when driving while my friend was here, and that one's probably leaf-less by now.

i heard something about a big earthquake in Maine, this morning, but am not seeing it on most of the news web sites....

one last check before bedtime on Thursday. 

wishing you all a great Friday!

friday nite -- have a great weekend!




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