TBD on Ning

Almost half over...how fast time flies when we are having fun. Really wish I were at the meetup...Looks as if they are having soooooooooooo much funnnnnnn....Have a month (or what is left of it) filled with LOVE and LAUGHTER

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Richard, if i lived in the Pacific Northwest, rain wouldn't be such a treat, as it is here, this summer.

but frosty air in the morning going to 90 later in the day?  yikes!

thanks for stopping in.

Taking a work work break for a bit. Woke up at 4:15 this morning and couldn't sleep. Made coffee drank a half cup then let the rest get cold and fell asleep. LOL

Site clearing for the manuf building project has begun. I might stop by tomorrow for a photo or two.

Hope everyone's hump day is humpin right along.

poor Richard....  getting up, making coffee, sitting down and going back to sleep! 

i was on my feet with one of my co-staffers called, wanting to talk business.  i was borderline rude, inquired about whether or not i'd told her (as i tell everyone) not to call me before 10 am (it was 9:15, but she has always before called in the afternoons, so apparently, no, i'd not told her), and that i'd happily call her back once i had coffee & breakfast.  well, that didn't fit her schedule.  doom on her.

Dealing with people today has been a struggle. Looking forward to yoga tonight followed by a glass of wine.

I admire your patience and stamina it takes to deal with the public day after day.

hi, RRC!  thanks for stopping by.

my hat's off to you, that you and Sheryl deal w/ customers and vendors constantly, never mind your community theater stuff, too!  it all takes a certain ability that i don't have, never did have, to keep calm amidst others who aren't, who want things i don't have and/or cant provide, or they're just being difficult for reasons of their own.  if i needed to earn a living that way, i'd go hungry pretty fast!

basicly, what Richard said!

friday nite and i'm done for the day.  hoping everyone has some fun, this weekend!

saturday nite, i'm in a virtual party in thinkbedo ( Ladyg's Party Palace) but there simply arent enuf people to resemble the parties we used to have in TBD, for sure!

hope everyone's having a good weekend

Am Lynn....come join us in September LOL

would love to be there with you guys!  thanks for the thought, Thalia!

monday -- the first monday without a conference call in a couple months if not longer!  very nice, even tho' i spent a while writing minutes.  i have 2 new committees to staff, a total of 4 now, and 2 of them meet twice monthly....

Sounds like you will be busier yet.  :)




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