TBD on Ning

and here we are, despite the rumored demise of teebeedee!

Independence Day is the big holiday for mid-summer, and the heat wave will make it a toasty warm one, for sure!

What are your plans for summer, what will you do different before the days get short again?

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tuesday evening.  thunderstorms all around, severe ones all thru the Valley, but also gorgeous low-hanging clouds between me and the Blue Ridge.  i managed to get most of my swim, inbetween t'storms.

hope everyone's well, and that the reason you're not showing up is that you're having a wonderful time, just living your life.

Too hot to write anything but it is too hot

I agree Thally..it is just too hot. This triple digit heat is doing me in!! I took the dogs outside late last night...because it was cooler...only 90 and my day lilly's are rusting like dried corn stalks. Everything is burning up. We are on intense water restrictions so I have unhooked my condensation line from the AC and am hauling that water out to try and keep a few plants alive. 

Other than that it is scrambling from home to the AC in the car..into work and then dash back to the car and hurry home to the AC there. BLECH....c'mon fall!!

I am sorry you all are experiencing the long heat wave and storms.  I wish you could hang out here in the northwest until it cools down in the rest of the nation.  Crystal, collecting the AC condensate water is a smart way to conserve public water and give your plants a drink.  :)

thank you all for showing up today.  i was getting pretty lonesome....

great idea to use the a/c runoff for plant watering, RRC.  one small step, but every little one helps!

They said it is cooler today....It is still too freeken hot...

hope you have all had a day filled with love and laughter

the weather map is getting pretty monotonous, you guys out there in the middle must be well-baked by now.

when do you leave for OR, Thalia?

Good evening all,

Don't leave until the 27th of September...August is going to be a busy month so will probably go very fast...I am thinking about looking in portland for part time job....am really tired of denver...although would be hard to leave my family

my son aaron called tonight just to see how I was doing and to invite me to dinner on sunday...so sweet...

tomorrow night my daughter alia and are are going to see James VanPraugh...can hardly wait...

well tis time for me to go read for a while

hope all have a friday filled with love and laughter

outside of the big cities, mental health professionals seem to be very much in demand, and those who are looking don't have much difficulty finding positions, so you may actually be able to relocate to OR more easily than you imagine, Thalia!  as for leaving your family, ya know, airplanes fly in both directions....

your son invited you to dinner!  wow!  i think if my son did that, i'd fall over.  ka-thunk.  sweet, indeed!

wishing each one who visits here a happy weekend!

saturday night, and all is well.  i went back to the farm stand and got more red and yellow tomatoes, this afternoon.  i may wake up round and red one morning, but this time of year, when they're so yummy, ripe on the vine, i overdose!

I love all kinds of fruit.  I am warm about tomatoes for some unknown reason.  There is no better flavor than with ripe fruit and vegetables.

that's ok, i'll eat all your share of tomatoes, too.  the "real" fruit, i can leave all of it behind, 'cept the occasional blueberry.




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