TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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I smell a cover-up...I demand an autopsy!

The squirrel carcass disappeared, so you might be right.  Perhaps it got so full of gas it just floated away -- a smelly squirrel balloon. :-D

All sounds squirrely to me!


Just finished watching folks from the Camden Rescue Mission haul away a bunch of our old furniture. Combining households is crazy! Beautiful oak table and chairs ... not antiques (I had the antiques) but nice and it's also good to think of the homeless, burned-out, poor who will enjoy some nice things in their lives.

Aww...that'sa so nice, M...!

Nice, and a little self-serving, as we need the room in the garage for the new boat we plan to look at today ... just an aluminum fishing boat, but will get us out on the water, which I love. That, and eating fish! Have a slightly new outlook on life, which is to grab what pleasure I can. Had a very good friend die suddenly this spring and it jolted me a bit!

Lindy’s life: From the outside it seems bigger, another house of clapboard and brick – strong, staid, plain. Now its doors stand open, garage yawning wide, yard ungated. The dogs who barked are nowhere. It’s an estate sale, and who knows how many more than 20 years of settling in is on display under the harsh summer light: on and under long tables, boxes full of dress patterns, calico scraps, yarn, holey table covers, canning jars, chipped plates, tabletop doo-dads with rosy wings, mismatched glasses and cups; things used to sift, roll, pound and measure things, old glass Coke bottles and tea tins, giant ash trays with vacation spots printed on them.


            On the peg board , hacksaws, rough-handled hammers, gardening claws, a cleaver with blood stains on the blade. In the surprisingly narrow house: a boxful of tea pots shaped like gingerbread houses ,a jar full of celery seeds, dusty spice bottles, flower-shaped crocheted pot-holders, piles of lopsided plastic storage…. I walk away with two crystalline low ball glasses for my vodka and cranberry juice. Fifty cents.

Nice descriptions, Westerly ... I was there.

Such wonderful descriptions they depressed the hell out of me.

Okay, I hate to post this under the curse theory, but here goes.

I got a phone call today about a job that doesn't exist yet.  I live in an area where there is a lot of gas drilling going on, and the drilling requires a lot of heavy machinery which has to drive on rural roads.  This often results in bad damage to those roads.  There is a company which has been hired by one of the gas exploration companies to repave roads.  This company (let's call it F) has put in a proposal to the GEC to have someone out there to monitor the damage so F can repair it before it gets too ugly.  F is waiting for the GEC to approve this proposal, and when (if) F gets this approval, I get to go out there and inspect said rural roads.  That's what the call was about -- the job is mine if it gets approved.

I am thrilled about this, even though it is a part-time (6 hours a day/4 days a week) job which will probably only last for six months at the most.  Not the least of my elation is due to the fact that I was called the "ideal candidate" for the job -- something I have certainly not heard in the last two years of looking for work.

So, please keep your fingers crossed for me.

All of my fingers and toes are crossed, Miss IdealCandidate. Get a foot in the 6-month door,and who knows?

Yeah...good luck with that!

Thanks, both of you.  The good thing about the four day a week part is it will allow me to teach in the fall if there's something for me to teach.




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