TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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Down here in Hooterville, we say:

"How ya doin?"

Response - "I'm here!"

And we all break up laughing hysterically... every (expletive deleted) day...every (expletive deleted) time...

When someone asks me how I am, I usually say, "I'm just peachy! How are you?" 

It rarely fails to get a response, because it's something different from the usual rote pleasantries.

Funny ... I usually say, "Splended, thank you, and you?" Also never fails to get a response. Guess most people just react when you say something different.


My brother says, "Alive and throbbing." Just sayin'.

Started a new photo blog...


Nice to see the frontal view, Bmichael.  :-D

REALLY nice photos.

Burglary, huh?  Was that just to see if we're paying attention?

nice art work. nice to see.

My new 40pound puppy eats AA batteries. I caught her munching on one, couldn't figure out where she got it until i looked for my alarm clock next morning and founf it on the floor, thebottom off, and missing its batteries. She also eats pens, markers, shoes and wood furniture.






Be glad you don't wear a hearing aid. I've heard of dogs being attracted to a squealing hearing aid on a desk ... and ... yum!

...and if there's any dentures in your house, watch 'em!

The other morning I was awakened by my husband saying, "Get up! There's a minor emergency in the kitchen."

The emergency was a squirrel which had chewed its way through the window screen to get to the peanut butter on the counter that my husband had left the lid off of.  A merry chase ensued, involving garbage cans, kitchen curtains, and frenzied leaping.

A few days later, we found a dead squirrel by the side of the house.  I wonder if it was this same squirrel, traumatized by his kitchen encounter.

The plus side:  my husband now puts the lid on the peanut butter.  I'd been trying to get him to do that for years, but now he has incentive.

Back in the restaurant days, I was firmly opposed to certain methods of rodent control – which included spring traps, and glue pads. But still, the little critters had to go, so we put out small containers of peanut butter in and around the kitchen.

The reason is that rodents (I) like peanut butter. (2) Peanut butter causes gas. (3) Rodents have no way of expelling gas so they blow up internally and die. (4) Squirrels are rodents.

Have a nice evening!

I'm not sure that the squirrel ever actually got to eat any peanut butter.  He made enough noise getting there that I think there was peanut butter interruptus.

Thanks for the info, but I'm not sure that peanut butter in and of itself will cause rodents to die.  One website I found had lots of pet rat owners feeding their rats peanut butter in small amounts.  They seemed to think the danger was that if the peanut butter stuck in the throat, the rodent could die because it can't regurgitate. 




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