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and here we are, despite the rumored demise of teebeedee!

Independence Day is the big holiday for mid-summer, and the heat wave will make it a toasty warm one, for sure!

What are your plans for summer, what will you do different before the days get short again?

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Afternoon all....antibiotics on board so hope to get back to feeling better soon.

I am directing this show, sometimes that is harder than being on the boards. It is also dinner theater which throws a whole different spin on things. We are renting the Elks lodge so we have to haul everything to the set then haul it all back, being extra careful not to mess up the wood floor. Last night went well so I am trying to get geared up for tonight. 

Good to see you Thally, hope you are taking good care of yourself. Sorry for your loss. 

90 is a cool front for us Richard, it hasn't hit 100 for several days, but boy we sure need rain desperately.

oh, it's Director RRC now!  woo hoo!  good for you!

and dinner theater, a lot of a whole different kind of work, too!  wow.  is this the first "dinner theater" your group has done?

hope the UTI feels ok by tomorrow, but still, ouch!

have i mentioned recently how much i HATE dealing with verizon?  the condo where my g'kids are living switched to FIOS service back in May, and i've been getting duplicate bills to different email accounts, and it got very confusing, and i just spent over an hour on the phone trying to make the duplicate cease.  and every department sends me to somewhere else who says "i don't know why they sent you here"....  but i think, i hope, it's now been wrestled into submission.  we'll see, next month.  arrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Good morning all. We got our bonus at work yesterday so hope to make my plane reservations sometime today. Have so much to do. Getting ready for memorial service on Sunday and have NO clue what I am doing. Have an anniversary party to go to tomorrow. Old friends from the past are here from Florida and their daughter is throwing a fiftieth bash. Will be fun to see everyone.
Glad your infection clearing up RRC. Sounds like you r a busy lady. Fun but lots of work eh
Lynn, I love Verizon hahhaa.
Have a fabulous Friday filled with love and laughter
Richard will be so nice to meet you and Sharon. Am so ready for my Oregon fix

memorial service on sunday, for your brother Steve, thanks for letting me know.  i'll just be thinking of you.  don't worry about "what i am doing" -- those things take on a life of their own, and that's usually better than any "service" we could script in advance....

congratulations on your bonus!

hi, Richard.

hi, Crystal.

and hi, anyone of you not-so-regular appearing folks!

hope the weekend goes well!

Hi Lynn and everyone!  I hope your weekend is to your liking.  More "no complaints" weather here.

yes, you're about the only place in the nation w/ no room to complain!  enjoy it, for sure!

my friend Donna is driving down for lunch, from DC.  she says she enjoys the road trip - just puts the top down and goes, and i'm surely happy for the company!

sunday was a gorgeous day1  a few late afternoon t'storms around the area, but none on top of me.

i'm guessing Crystal is recovering from the play, and Thalia is recovering from the memorial service, and Richard is finally getting some time for himself, but i hope you all show up again soon....

Good evening my friends.

It was a wonderful memorial, many people were there, most of my family, including my ex and his wife.  If you would like, I will copy and paste what I wrote on here.  Is rather long, so just let me know.

I hope everyone has a marvelous monday filled with love and laughter, is back to the business of being in the main stream of life again, have to go get my car serviced very early in the morning  OH yeah...one of thes days will get to sleep in...although that is almost impossible for me these days

Has been so damned hot...I want Oregon  LOL


i'd be very honored if you'd share with us the words you spoke during your brother's memorial service, Thalia.  thank you for the offer.

western Oregon and Washington must be the only places in the lower 48 that have any cool at all, this summer.  no wonder you can't wait to go there!

please be gentle to yourself in the coming weeks.  it's important to respect your grief.

sending love and hugs and wishing you (cool) sunshine!

I thank you and welcome all of my family and friends to this celebration of life.

Amazing  grace.  Grace was given to me during the past six months of my brother’s life.  It started on December 24th when I had my brother at my house for Christmas Eve.  This was the first time in years that he had been included in family gatherings.  What a blessing for all of us. A beginning.  With death come beginnings, a chance for us, the living, to create a life worth living, a life filled with meaning and with love for one another. 

During these past six months Steve and I had a chance to heal our relationship and to become friends again.  It has been bittersweet, knowing that he was not going to be around forever.  He and I had a chance to laugh together and to cry together. 

Steve was blessed to have so many incredible friends in his life.  Many of you are here today and some were unable to be present.  My one regret was that I did not have the chance to know some of you before the end of his life.  My thanks go to all of you, and you know who you are.  In death, people are brought together, to grow and heal with one another. 

His care takers,  Michah and Lisa, a gift from the angels. Because of these two beautiful people, Steve was able to be at home, something he wanted desperately, for the last days of his life.  How blessed our family has been to have these two very special people in our lives today.  What amazing grace. 

Steve got to know my daughter Jenni, intimately as they spent many weekends’ together, watching movies, talking about life, talking about death. 

As so many of you know, Steve and I had a very conflictual relationship, beginning at a very early age.  At times we were best friends, at other times bitter enemies.  He and I both held resentments toward one another and it was our coming together again that allowed those resentments to fade away and to become the brother and the sister that was always intended for us to be.  I am saying this to let you know the lessons that I have learned, that I have taken to heart, that I will live by for the rest of my life.  It was in our facing death together that I have been given the inspiration for living my life to the fullest.

Here are some of the many gifts that Steve has given to me.

The first gift: Open your heart, so others may see who you are.  Be gentle with yourself.  Allow others to be who they are and be kind to one another.  I know that my brother was a kind and gentle soul.  He would give you the shirt off of your back if that is what you asked of him.  He was generous and a good friend to many.  As Steve, be a good friend.

The second:  Don’t waste time wishing you could do something, just do it now.  Time slips by so quickly and if you spend more time wishing than doing, by the time you actually believe you can do something, it will be too late.  Steve always had a dream to sail around the world, seeing far off places, meeting people near and far.  He shared with me that he was sorry he did not do this.  In our many talks, he kept asking me what I was going to do with my life.  What was my dream? What was the passion that would move me forward, to fulfill my life?  He told me to follow it, follow my heart, before it was too late.

Another thing we talked about, was taking risks.  He said that we must not be afraid to make a mistake. We can laugh at ourselves if we flop and can try something new.  If you keep a fear of failure in your heart and mind you will waste valuable time.  Trust that when you take a leap, something will always catch you.

Always have a good sense of humor.  Be willing to laugh at yourself and to laugh with others.  Steve and I had some great belly laughs.  We laughed at some of the silly things that we had done when we were children and yes the silly things that we did as adults.  How great to laugh.  It heals the soul.

Smile, at friends, at strangers.  We never know when our smile will touch another’s heart.  Steve always had a smile.  No matter how bad he was feeling he always had a smile for those who came to visit.  He had a smile for strangers and friends alike.  He had a beautiful smile.

And last but not least. Trust yourself to do the right thing.  Keep moving, never give up, and enjoy the simple things a day brings.  The sunrise, the warmth of the golden sun on a meadow, quietness of the snowfalls, the earth, the moon, the stars, the beauty of being alive.  Everything is precious.

The gifts I received from my brother were priceless.  Because of his death, too soon, I am given the gift of life.  Today I tell all of you that I love you, before it is too late.   I follow my heart, before it is too late. I take risks, before it is too late.  I laugh at myself, before it is too late.  I smile at you, before it is too late.  And I trust myself before it is too late.  And for these things, my brother, I thank you.

And so for today, Steve, know that you were loved. Steve, I honor your life, I honor your death.  We celebrate you.





Thalia that was beautiful.  Your brother must be very proud of you.  :)




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