TBD on Ning

Let's keep our connection going this month.  I know, it helps if I contribute.  So I will try to stop in more often.  I can't remember when we actually had roses in bloom before Portland's Rose festival.

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Wishing you ALL a great Saturday!

Good Sunday morning ladies and gentlemen!  It rained part of yesterday and it continues this morning.  After all the moss will die if it stays dry for very long.  So we spent the day inside moving furniture from upstairs, down, and re-arranging.  It doesn't "feel" right so far.  I suspect the arranging might happen some more.

We had a 2 hour class via Skype from Sharon's web site designer.  She lives somewhere in Europe she has a "shop" on Etsy which is where Sharon discovered her.  Sharon has wanted her own web site which has developed nicely.  The class was to educate us in how to edit and add photos and text to the site.  The designer was kind enough to write guidelines for us to follow because her work is done.  I'll let you know when it becomes public..... just to see what we have been doing.

Have a wonderful day, an easy week, and a safe holiday.


ah, Sharon's getting her OWN website, too cool!  yippee!

moving furniture?  that sounds exhausting, but i'm gladyou both have good healthy feet/ankles/knees now to be able to do it!

slow day here.  probably a grocery run later, since i'm out of all things not frozen or canned....

monday, and i've managed to negotiate thru another minefield with bioloical daughter.  her "sugar daddy" in the new apartment will be buying a house for her and her roommate/girlfriend to occupy with him, and i flipped out, since i just co-signed a 13-month lease with them, starting June 1.  but we got thru it, and peace is restored, once again.  i hope.

thanks again for your prayers and support as my Michigan man goes in for a 5th stent in 4th coronary artery on tuesday morning.

the lifeguard over whom i drool, swimming my laps, managed to get his pic on the front of the local sports page on saturday -- here's the pic.  Richard, it'll do nothing for you, but perhaps the ladies will understand and appreciate.  on top of his physique, he's just one fine guy.

Morning all

Another hot day in Colorado. Iam so sick of the heat and summer has just started. Prayers for the man in Michigan. Am spending lots of time with my brother and it is all good. Back to work today. Three days go fast.

Have a day filled with love and laughter

thanks for stopping in, Thalia.  and for your prayers.  i've been thinking of you and your brother, too, holding the both of you in my heart.  i'm glad you are able to spend good time with him!

Michigan man's stent emplacement was unsuccessful today, so they sent him home.  docs will "consult" and contact him, but bypass is about all that's left -- likely a hospital in southern michigan, since that's where all the "big" ones are.  stay tuned.

oh, that darn man.  they weren't able to get the stent inserted so they sent him back home.  the docs will 'consult" and then tell him what they recommend next, gotta' love it.  my guess is they'll send him downstate for bypass.  but, i have to tell you guys what a dumb a$$ thing i did, so you can share my relief.

just recently, we'd re-exchanged phone numbers, and i duly entered his (home and cell) in my cell.  so i decided to send a discreet text last nite, once his daughter had filled me in on the day's outcome.  but, w/o paying attention, i sent the text to the landline number and what do you know?  sprint now delivers text to landline!  i got a confirmation that the message had been delivered to "a person."  instant panic!

the problem here is that he has a wife as well as some houseguests this week, in the home.  yowza.  i promptly sent a text to the proper cell # w/ profound apologies, but every time i turned over last nite, it was on my mind, what a just damn dumb thing that was to do, and how ashamed i was for not paying attention to what i was doing.

thankfully, per email this morning, i learned that it was him who answered the phone, duly listened, and hung up on the recorded "political message." i believe that's one mistake i shall never ever make again. whew, and a sigh of relief on that front, at least. 

okay, you may cease laughing now, and get on with your day....  i hope it's a good one, and that you have some fun things in store for the rest of your day!

thanks for the rose, Richard! A day brightener.

Good to see you, my friends!

I'm still in same location, taking a class. Very glad.

Hey RT if it takes roses to get you out of the woodwork I'll post some more.  We have missed you, hope you are doing well.  What is the class?

thanks for stopping by!  please come back!

Whoooooooooo hooooooooooooo  LOL, that in answer to Lynns blunder...oh yes, would it be nice if we could take back all of the foolish choices we make..hahahahaaa

my man is non existant....told him the other day that I felt dismissed, abandoned and used...he is an arse...i also told him was time to stop feeling sorry for himself and do something for someone else....hehehehee

this was one of the very precious times when my error was guided into harmless by something greater than me, for sure!

too bad that man who reappeared from your past isn't worth keeping around, but far better to know it now than later.  and you did have some fun, for a while, that's not all bad, tee hee!




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