TBD on Ning

Let's keep our connection going this month.  I know, it helps if I contribute.  So I will try to stop in more often.  I can't remember when we actually had roses in bloom before Portland's Rose festival.

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I am here finally.  Another full busy day after a wonderful Father's Day.  No question it was the best one yet for me.  The weather Sunday was not too hot and NOT raining,  However it did rain overnight and some this morning.  How we all have a good week!

the best Father's Day yet?!?!?!?!?  yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i am thrilled for you, that's wonderful news, my friend!

got my swim cut short by a thunderstorm yesterday so instead of goofing off today, i'm back to the pool.  at least that'll keep me off the streets and out of trouble, ha! 

and i got Char & Tom's wedding gift wrapped for mailing, so will drop that at the P.O. on the way.  i'm so efficient, i scare me sometimes.

hot here, but it's cooled off w/ t'storms moving thru.

about my Michigan man, i learned that his heart attack last winter was far worse than he let on.  on tuesday, he's booked into surgery for supposedly the placement of a 5th stent in a 4th coronary artery.  i'm unclear why no bypass, but i'm beginning to understand that there were "reasons" the universe prevented me from moving up there.  tuesday at 8:30 am, eastern -- if you have any spare prayers, please offer them up for his survival from this next procedure.  me, i'm just plain terrified.

I am sorry to hear Michigan guy will have more surgery.  I don't understand why no bypasses either.  I guess stents are less invasive.  He will be in my thoughts the next few days.

A warm day here which makes me feel even better.  One of my two projects is winding down.  So I will get a rest from that one for a couple weeks while the building permit process rolls along at a snail's pace.  There is a glimmer of light at the end of the other project tunnel.  It would be nice to have some of the summer off.

Lynn, you and the man are in my thoughts and prayers. Life sometimes has so many uncertainties and unanswered questions. I do not pretend to understand.
Morning Richard. Hope to get to oregon one of these days soon
Cannot make any plans at this point. As I have no idea what will happen with my brother. His body is weaker and weaker yet his spirit is strong.
Love and laughter to all who pass this way today

thank you, my friends, for your support.  i guess i was supposed to remain in this man's life so that he'd have a bit of sincere support going thru this, despite how the other plans fell thru.  and i'm clear, i'd rather stick around for support than not know, at this point.  i can revisit once he's well.

Richard, glad your workload is lightening up for a few weeks, anyhow.  the permitting process, if it's like here, can take an interminable time.  i too hope that you get some "vacation" time this summer, and maybe even that you and S can skip town for a few days or at least play together w/o the work pressures!  (i suspect P&B don't much like it, when you abandon them for a few days, but they'll get over it, tee hee)

Thalia, yes, that waiting time is painfully difficult -- not wanting the loved one to go, but knowing it's inevitable, is the very definition of "life on hold." you've coped thus far, by hook and by crook, :-)  i hope brother Steve isn't in pain, i wish that for him, but given how strong his body proved to be, it truly WAS necessary to make arrangements for more than just a couple of you volunteering as his caregivers.  i trust that's all smoothed out now.  and i trust that you WILL get to Oregon, and that you can meet R&S and enjoy their company as much as I have!

hugs all around, my friends!

Thalia, your brother is in my thoughts and prayers along with the Michigan man.  Oregon is waiting for you an anxious for you to come for a visit when you can.

Lynn, I hope that man realizes the unconditional support he has in you.  He is a lucky man!

Found this in the back yard a couple days ago.  It's for you ladies.

what a lovely rose, Richard!  thanks so much for your friendship and support!

Right back atcha our friend!!

Morning all...and good thoughts and prayers to Thally and her brother, Lynn and the Michigan man. 
Lynn my Mom has 8 or 9 stents in here heart, I lost track since it was in 3 separate surgeries. It is much less invasive and the last one she had she only spent the night in the hospital. The first batch of stents was due to the fact she wouldn't make it to open heart surgery, they did 3 and stopped, hoping she would make it through the night. That was in 2003. 

Thanks for the pretty rose Richard, I don't have a thing blooming around here. 

A quiet morning for the moment, but I am in dire need of coffee. 

We're having a heat wave too....heading into the 100's for the next week or so. 

Keep cool!!

wishing you a great Saturday, Crystal!  is it too dry there for anything to grow, or just too hot for it to bloom?

thanks for the info about your mom, that they're using stents instead of bypass when they can.  i can see the logic, but didn't realize it's that common now.  i feel a little better, that this may just be a shift in "standard of care" instead of poor care....




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