TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

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We recently bought a new vehicle,(actually a used 2011, but it only had 4000 miles) But we only got one key. Salesman said there was a key place about a half block away, and if we mentioned his name we would get a better price. By the time we got out of the dealership, all we wanted to do was go home and have a couple of beers. (car buying is tough work) Anyway, about a week later I went to the key place (about a 10 mile trip) and the guy behind the counter said the guy that makes that particular kind of key wasn't in,(it's a weird looking key and I've never seen one quite like it) but that the guy was usually in in the mornings, and I should try to catch him then. About a week later I make the trip again, and the guy is there, but they don't have a blank for that particular key. Not only that, but they can't even order one because it has to come from the manufacturer. Went to the dealership and talked to the sales manager. He said the keys came from the factory, and are laser cut, and he would get me a key at "his cost". But that it would take a week to order, and it would be $32.75. I had to prepay to order the key so I went to the parts dept., and the the girl that took the order said I also needed to talk to the service dept. because the key would have to be programmed. Went to service, and the guy said it would take an hour and cost $109.00. Went back to the sales manager and told him about the fee, and he said not to worry, he would take care of it. A week later they call and when I picked up the key at the parts dept, and took it to the sales manager. he took the car and the new key to service, came back in 20 minutes and said the needed to order another key. The laser cut was not exact, and another one needed to be made. A week later the sales manager called and said he had the new key. I drove back over AGAIN and waited about 40 minutes before he had time to run the car over to the service dept. He came back in about 15 minutes and said the key was fine and that the service guys were confused becaus my key didn't need to be programmed after all. 



The nightmare bathroom refit is done, except for the relatively minor detail of staining and nailing in the baseboards. Everything's ship-shape, nothing leaks, the correct handles control the water temperature, all wall-based fittings and furniture are sound and square, nothing wobbly or lopsided and the room, for as small as it is, looks balanced. The electricals don't hum or buzz or sizzle or spark. No pencil marks or screwdriver dents or missed hammer-blow gouges. Even after a week, the latex-based paint is still a tad tacky, but I know that'll eventually cure completely.

I've never had a home-repair project like this one, in which something - sometime SEVERAL things - went wrong with every single step of the project, no matter how small or out-of-sight. What I thought would - should - have taken three or four days wound up taking 3 weeks and two days.

Yeesh. Now the house will probably burn down next week.

T, I had to get an extra key for the Jeep. It locks automatically when you get out. Whether you shut the engine off or not. Nobody seems to know how to reprogram it to not do that.

Anyway, my extra key with programing and everything ended up costing over $200.

I just wanted an extra key to open the door when I'm locked out. What a rip off.

Snagg, I'm happy to know your bathroom nightmares are over. I have a few of those myself, but they had nothing to do with remodeling. 

I've been down the road apiece today. I've always liked to get out and about to see what's going on, see what's new, see what's gone, see what fences are down, and whose cows are out grazin' on the railroad right-of- way.

Sure enough there are some friends and neighbors that  have been attracted to the bright lights of the big city. Hate to see the neighborhood abandoned for the promised land.

My daughter went to the DR today for her sonogram. There was no heart beat. The baby's heart quit beating at 9 weeks. 

My thoughts are with you and your family, Tee.

Mine as well, Tee. God bless ya'll.

Really Sorry to hear that Tee. If there is any way I can help, let me know. 

I'm so sorry TeeBubba. My thoughts are with you and your family.

I'm so sorry, TeeBubbaDee.  Will be thinking of you and your family.    :-(

Thanks guys. At first I wasn't going to post about this, but hell, you guys are like family as far as I'm concerned. It's sad, but not totally unexpected either. She's no spring chicken, (42) and she has a history of this happening. I can't count how many miscarriages she has had, but this is the longest she had gone before this kind of thing happened. She is sad too, but she has one happy healthy child, and for that we are thankful. 




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