TBD on Ning

Good morning friends.  I see the Denver area is experiencing quite a snowfall.  Dig in Thallygal be safe and warm.  I am hoping my weather today is another warmish sunny day like it was yesterday.  Today more jewelry photoing.  The apartment project is awake from its winter hibernation so I am reacquainting myself and scratching my head over all the changes the project owner wants to make.  Have a good day and the best weekend.

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Good morning/afternoon!  I hope everyone is enjoying a nice Sunday.  I have been too lazy this weekend and stuff is not getting done without me.  Darn elves must be on strike.

it's Sunday.  i've decided to take today off from my "consulting" work, i'm tired of it, have been on it every day since i got back home.  so the question becomes, what shall i do, instead?  hmmm.  perhaps begin the afghan i'm making for my friends wedding gift, and maybe watch a movie on DVD on my computer screen.  something i've said i was gonna' do, many times over.

looks like snow in Denver, maybe central NC but none for RRC and none for Robbie, for sure!  and none for Richard, either.  aren't we lucky, Thalia?!?

Yeh, It's one of those days here in central FL. Little patches of rain moving through. As soon as you open the windows or door a little squall comes through. As soon as you close them, the sun comes out. I don't want to turn on the A/C on the 19th of Feb. and it's 81.5 degrees. Who wants to trade?

you're breakin' my heart, Robbie....

Hear the violins playing Robbie?  ROFL

Oh yes...am sick of the snow...we are supposed to get some tonight but is ok with me as I don't have to go to work tomorrow...so have some good books and things that I can do around the house...have had a busy fun filled weekend, only three days to work this coming week...could get used to that and may decide to go down another eight hours come this summer...who knows what I am going to do, luckily I have to decide nothing today

hope everyone has a monday filled with love and laughter

That's what is nice about having this new found time on your hands Thalia.  You don't have to decide anything.  If you don't feel up to doing laundry the free time let's you put it off so you can do what you want to do longer.  That is unless an empty closet or frig tells you otherwise. :)

Since today is honoring Presidents day I will do what they did ............ next to nothing!

Off and running, my day off and I am going shopping!!

so if i'm retired and have so little to do, why is it that i rarely get here until late in the day?  but it's good to see that my friends have stopped in.  i was feeling like the lone stranger over the weekend.

Crystal, i wish you had more than one day off in a week, but understand that being your own boss is a different kind of commitment.  i hope your shopping expedition was good!

Thalia, i suspect you'll find, over time, that things just take longer, even in "partial" retirement.  we read the entire newspaper instead of skimming the headlines.  we cook a full meal from scratch instead of throwing something together so we can eat before we get weak from hunger.  i hope you DO decide to cut back an additional day, this summer.  you have paid enough dues to deserve that!  and you'll be amazed at the things you find to do, with that additional time!

Richard, your talk of laundry prompts me to say to all, here -- i am SOOOO loving having my own washer and dryer, in my living space!  it is soooo wonderful!  after 17 years of using coin machines in the basement, and those damn stairs getting harder every year, and instead of doing laundry every week, or every 2 weeks, i'd gotten where i'd take the pants to the dry cleaners for creases, and wash other stuff every 4-6 weeks, and i wasn't being particularly rigorous about changing bed linens either, since i was clean when i went to bed at nights! i'd wait until the laundry was taking over the bedroom, and then do 3-4 sets (2 loads at a time) all in one day, and be exhausted and half-crippled, the following day.  now, doing a couple loads a week just seems like almost .. fun!

but my fridge and pantry will never be empty.  i suppose that's the family insecurity, but i blame it on ma being child of a small town grocer, so their pantry was next door at the store, they were never in danger of running out of food.  even now, i could probably eat for a month, on what's here, and i have consciously forced myself to cease "stocking up" with sale items.  at the same time, i've taught the mother of my grandchildren to do just that.  since i'm supporting her, it's worth the extra "up front" to save in the long run, but for a household of one, my "emergency stash" really doesn't need to be what i used to keep when i had the whole family nearby and i knew the rest of 'em lived hand2mouth!  if there's an emergency now, i'm too far away to be much help....

Haha Lynn your food stocking story reminded me that when Sharon shops, being an army brat, 2 is good so 6 or 8 is better.  I tease her by asking what army is she going to cook for.  Now since I do 90% of the shopping we don't over stuff the frig.  I don't mind shopping for groceries at all.

Having your own washer and dryer is a big luxury isn't it.  It's like having your own bathroom you don't have to share at a small hotel or a summer house with a  group of strangers.  ;-)

My weekend has been full of painting and photographing the latest batch of jewelry for Sharon.  4 pieces, 1 of which was a 'made to order' necklace for a customer in PA of all places.  LOL   OK I admit there has been a nap or two or three and a couple hockey games to watch too.  :)

I drove out and visited Homosassa, FL today. I love that name. It's not as cool a name to say as Apalachicola, but is a pretty unique place.

tuesday and the sun is bright.  still white stuff on the grassy areas, and some lighter-but-not-quite-white patches on the mountains in the distance, too.  but all the streets an sidewalks seem to be clean and dry.

Richard, i've been wondering but forgetting to ask -- your knee and Sharon's ankle, how are you both doing with healing?  and are they still threatening you w/ surgery after that MRI?  did i miss something while i was on the road?

Robbie, Homosassa is a wierd name, i suppose indian?  glad you're keeping yourself entertained....  did you take Happy for a walk while you were there?

Thalia, hope you don't have any tough decisions today....

Crystal, how successful was your shopping yesterday?  for yourself, or for your guys?  or everybody?  and do you drag your mate along, or a girlfriend, or are you a solo shopper?  me, i'm for solo, but my "second mother" always liked to have an audience when she shopped.




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