TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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failure to appear in court for crank cat calls, cat napping and hoarding a bunch of catapults.

He used the catapaults to launch cataclysmic.....

cat nip with catastrophic results. This resulted in...

this  kitten and many others having a catnip stoned apperance

and they all wanted to go cat crazy listening to the Grateful Dead.

Dr. Oz and Dr. Drew diagnosed the situation and decided to...

do a CAT scan so they could see if the damage was permanent. Unfortunately the CAT scanner malfunctioned, and all they got was...

a big bill and started to go through cat nip withdrawels.

Drooling and sloppering, spitting up hair balls

Dr OJ prescribed a homecooked  meal of Mallard duck if they could....

just figure out how to make them taste like...

Fancy feast.

To  the rescue on cooking /eating came a goat named Native Dancer he said to....

leave the ducks to him. He planned on plucking them and then roasting them over a hot bed of...

cow dung.

The dogs thought it was a god idea but the cats...

decided they wanted Duck Soup. That's when the Marx Brothers

showed up and started  the duck plucking. Mrs. Pennypacker planned on saving the feathers to make...

a soft pillow to rest her head on.

Then in marched Emeril and demanded the feathers for..




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