TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




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Blackberries make a good substitute.  Dewberry is smaller and more tart requiring more cane sugar in recipes.

Nothing in the fridge, so I ate a box of WHOPPERS that someone put in my Christmas stocking.

I don't really think those are cherries in that cream.

Probably something fictional...maybe dewberries.

Went to Carrabba's last night, and for a change of pace, I had the baby back ribs. Different, but tasty.

Taco salad tonight.

One leftover pass-tee.  My mother made a batch of them the other day.  As always, it was very good.

Do you put anything on a pasty?   I had them once and thought it really needed gravy!

Had a good salad not-from-a-bag w/garlic bread.  Quite tasty.   Need a dessert...hummmm.

I like ketchup on 'em......gravy, not needed, unless they're really dry, store bought or roadside stand varieties.

Leftover Beef Stew

Stew sounds good.  We split a homemade smoothie. 

Tasted like liquid grass.

They usually do unless there is ice cream involved.  

 Been sneaking in a Root beer float lately on the week end!

I think Root Beer floats must be what Jesus drinks in Heaven.

Another drink of the Gods is a scoop of chocolate chip mint in Sprite.




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